3. Complete the sentences with the correct word.
funny, polite, rich, sweet, strange, stupid, sexy
People who say Please and Thank you are .
It was very of you to tell the police officer that he was ugly!
That pop star looks very in that dress.
He’s enough to stay in the most expensive hotels.
My sister told us a really story about a monkey at the zoo.
That man in the street with the dark glasses looks a bit .
It was very of you to buy me some flowers.
4. Look at the photos and answer the questions. <Рисунок 2>
1. How does Bridget feel about Nick watching her ride her exercise bike?
a) She likes it.
b) She doesn’t like it.
c) She’s used to it.
2. What do the girls think when they see Hector come out of the bathroom?
a) They are impressed.
b) They are unimpressed.
c) They have no opinion.
did you meet with your friends last weekend? ты встречался с друзьями на выходных?
did you go walking or go to the cinema last weekend? ты ходил гулять или ходил в кино на выходных?
did you spend your time with your family last weekend? ты провёл время со своей семьёй на выходных?
did you skate? ты катался на коньках?
did you play computer games? ты играл в компьютерные игры?
did you go shopping? ты ходил по магазинам?
did you help your parents? ты родителям?
did you prepare for a New Year? ты готовился к новому году?