3.Fill in the blank spaces in the letter with these useful phrases.
a) secondly
b) firstly
c) unfortunately
d) to sum up
e) however
f) is not what i expected from g) an alternative
h) we can solve this problem
i) to make matters worse
j) thank you for your time
k) I have a few ideas to solve this problem and make our school more environmentally friendly
l) I must express my own, and other students
m) I am writing to draw your attention to
1)___ the large amount of food that is wasted every day in your school. This habit is uneconomical and bad for the environment.
Each day in the lunchroom, students are throwing away too much food. This behavior is 2) a great school like ours. 3)___ frustration as we see students wasting so much food.4), this wastes students' money and the school’s money because the school needs to buy bin bags. 5) this is very bad for the environment because all of the wasted food goes to landfills. 6).
7), I know that we can’t expect students to always finish all of their food. 8), we can give them 9) to throwing their food away. Leftover food can be used to make compost (mixture of unused food that can be made into compost). If we had a compost bin in the lunchroom, students could put not only unwanted food in it, but also banana skins, apple cores, etc. This could then be made into compost which we could use in a garden!
10), students need to be educated about food waste and composting. Without education, students will not know what to do. Teachers should make lessons about the environment and composting so students know how important it is.
11), food waste is a big economical and environmental problem at our school. By putting a compost bin in the lunchroom and educating students about the environment, 12) .
13 .
I'd like to see (to have a look at) the letter for Mr D. Here you are. I've just typed it.
And what about the letter for Mr R.? I haven't typed it yet. I'll have it typed by the end of the working day.
2 Yesterday we met our friends. We haven't seen them since our graduating from the university. Before coming back to Moscow they had worked in Orel.
3 A new plant (=works) will have been built by the beginning of the next year. It will be equipped with the most modern equipment.