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30.01.2023 12:04 •  Английский язык

3. Iۥ ve no idea why you havenۥt been invited the party. a) at; b) to; c) in; d) for
4. I had to pay cash because I had forgotten my credit card.
a) of; b) -; c) in; d) with
5. It was very rude you to go away without saying “good – buy”
a) to; b) from; c) of; d) about
6. The patient died a heart attack.
a) from; b) because; c) by; d) of
7. I canۥt help crying when I hear this music.
a) to; b) on; c) at; d) –
8. My grandmother is going to live with us. She needs somebody to look her
a) for; b) after; c) at; d) to
9. Allow me to congratulate you your success.
a) for; b) of; c) on; d) because of
10. This book consists two parts.
a) on; b) of; c) from; d)with
11. - Are you going to buy this dress?
- It depends how much it is.
a) to; b) -; c) from ; d) on
12. If I wear eye – glasses, I will certainly be laughed …. .
a) at; b) -; c) on; d) to
13. The hall was crowded …. people who wanted to greet the famous singer.
a) with; b) by; c) for; d) of
14. …. my opinion this music is the worst I have ever listened …. .
a) In, -; b) On, to; c) By, to; d) In, to
15. It was very nice … you to do the shopping for me.
a) on; b) about; c) for; d) of
16. She apologised … me … her behaviour.
a) to, with; b) at, to; c) on, for; d) to, for
17. “Iۥm sorry being rude to you.”
a) for; b) -; c) on; d) at
18. The police believe that there is no connection the two crimes.
a) between; b) for; c) with d) among
19. “This letter is in French. Could you translate it Russian, please?”
a) in; b) on; c)onto; d) into
20. “Have you ever heard the existence of Atlantida”?
a) of; b) about; c) -; d) from
21. All the players were divided four groups as it was written in the rules of the game.
a) for; b) on; c) of; d) into
22. While studying at the university he specialized ... chemistry.
a) at; b) on; c) in; d) of
23. It is going to be wonderful holiday! Tomorrow we are leaving the Bermudas.
a) on; b) for; c) to; d) towards
24. “If you are interested computers why donۥt you apply ... Microsoft Company?”
a) at, to; b) in, for; c) at, for; d) in, to
25. Living at a hotel you have to pay your room.
a) of; b) for; c) to; d)on
26. I hope the weather will be nice next weekend.
a) -; b) in; c) on; d) at
27. When I go to the cinema, I prefer to sit ... the front row.
a) in; b) on; c)at; d) near
28. There was not a cloud the sky.
a) in; b) on; c) at; d) out of
29. Welcome our country!
a) at; b) to; c) in; d) into
30. It is better for us to stay home.
a) to; b) in; c) -; d) at
31. “Did you come here car or foot?”
a) in, on; b)in, by; c) by, by; d) by, on
32. The door must have been opened a key.
a) with; b) in; c) at; d) by
33. My salary has increased ... ten per cent.
a) with; b) in; c) on; d) by
34. We always used to have a party the end of term.
a) for; b) in; c) at; d) by
35. The city center is full automobiles in the rush hour.
a) with; b) of; c) for; d) in
36. Jane is fond music, she can listen it all day long.
a) of, -; b) with, to; c) of, to; d) with, -
37. 10:00 the train left for Moscow.
a) In; b) At; c) On; d) About
38. She is married a famous singer.
a) to; b) at; c) in; d) with
39. The conference began March, 18.
a) in; b) on; c) since; d) at
40. Glass is made sand.
a) from; b) out of; c) with; d) of
41. They were business in London.
a) with; b) for; c) on; d) in
42. “Can you explain this me ?”
a) at; b) on; c) to; d) with
43. “Why are so many women afraid insects?”
a) of; b) with; c) –
44. Human activity in recent years resulted the environment changes.
a) at; b) in; c) on
45. He got a good mark and is very proud it.
a) with; b) of; c) for
46. I was pleased seeing you again this week.
a) about; b) at; c) with
47. I hope my friends will succeed passing the exams.
a) on; b) at; c) in
48. Why is Mike late? He has missed the nine oۥclock train or something really serious has happened to him.
a) either; b) neither; c) both; d) so
49. I like the film nor the novel itۥs based on.
a) both; b) neither; c) so; d)either
50. my brother and I were upset when we heard the news
a) Both; b) And; c) Neither; d) Either
51. The tennis match was cancelled heavy rain.
a) as a result; b)although; c) due to; d) because
52. My sister went to England she could improve her English.
a) in order; b) owing; c) so that; d) although
53. Iۥ m really interested in fashion. I.
a) So do; b) Neither; c) So am; d) Neither am
54. My grandmother doesnۥt like to live in the city the traffic and pollution.
a) owing to; b) although; c) because of; d) in spite of

Показать ответ
27.10.2020 17:00

Vanya: 1) Tolya give me the keys ... Tolya:2) what do you like? Vanya 3) on seven and on fourteen. tolya:4) I carry well. Vanya:5) thank you waiting. Vanya:6) please give me a gas key. tolya:7)what didn't you say right away? vanya8) I thought it would not be needed. tolya:9) well now I'll bring it. Vanya 10) thank you, you are a true friend.


ваня: 1)толя подай ключи...толя:2)тебе какие? ваня 3)на семь и на четырнадцать. толя:4)хорошо несу. ваня жду. ваня:6) дай еще газовый ключ. толя:7)а что сразу не сказал? ваня8) я думал он не понадобиться. толя:9) хорошо сейчас принесу. ваня ты настоящий друг.

0,0(0 оценок)
08.01.2021 07:45
1. The damage (was ) very serious.

2. There ( is) a lot of snow on the roofs.

3. Whose (was) that money?

4. The Police (were) in time and the criminals were caught.

5. I don’t like the colour of your (hair).

6. I never eat much (bread).

1. I don’t know the way of (passing) the exams successfully.

2. We usually enjoy ( riding) a bicycle.

3. My neighbour asked me to stop (skateboarding) in front of his house.

4. Do you believe we’ll manage (to get) there on time.

5. I quitted (jogging) in the morning.

6. My friends offered me (to spend) the weekend in the countryside.

0,0(0 оценок)
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