3 Imagine you are in a competition like Pop Factor. Make notes to answer the questions. What is the competition called? 3 How will you feel? What did you do in the competition? (sing, 4 What are you going to do to get ready? 5 What are you going to do after the competitio dance, etc)
1. When my mother came home, I was having dinner. 2. When Kate returned, I was listening to the radio. 3. When Mum entered his room, her son was drawing something. 4. When my sister came in, I was doing my lessons. 5. My friend was playing with his cat when I came to see him. 6. When we were doing our project, my sister entered the room. 7. They were disscussing the latest news when the telephone rang. 8. The young people were dancing when the parents returned home. 9. When he was washing the dishes, he broke a plate. 10. What were they doing when you saw them?
В слове «растё́т»: слогов—2 (ра-стёт), букв—6, звуков—6:
р→[р]:согласный, непарный звонкий, сонорный, парный твёрдыйа→[а]:гласныйс→[с']:согласный, парный глухой, парный мягкийт→[т']:согласный, парный глухой, парный мягкийё→[о]:гласныйт→[т]:согласный, парный глухой, парный твёрдыйпредложение повествовательное,распространенное,невосклицательное,двусоставное.
грамматическая основа:стоит дуб. стоит-сказуемое,дуб-подлежащее
В слове «клу́мба»: слогов—2 (клу-мба), букв—6, звуков—6:
к→[к]:согласный, парный глухой, парный твёрдыйл→[л]:согласный, непарный звонкий, сонорный, парный твёрдый
м→[м]:согласный, непарный звонкий, сонорный, парный твёрдый
б→[б]:согласный, парный звонкий, парный твёрдый
В слове «ду́б»: слогов—1 (дуб), букв—3, звуков—3:
д→[д]:согласный, парный звонкий, парный твёрдыйу→[у]:гласный
б→[п]:согласный, парный глухой, парный твёрдый
В слове «до́м»: слогов—1 (дом), букв—3, звуков—3:
д→[д]:согласный, парный звонкий, парный твёрдыйо→[о]:гласный
м→[м]:согласный, непарный звонкий, сонорный, парный твёрдый
2. When Kate returned, I was listening to the radio.
3. When Mum entered his room, her son was drawing something.
4. When my sister came in, I was doing my lessons.
5. My friend was playing with his cat when I came to see him.
6. When we were doing our project, my sister entered the room.
7. They were disscussing the latest news when the telephone rang.
8. The young people were dancing when the parents returned home.
9. When he was washing the dishes, he broke a plate.
10. What were they doing when you saw them?