3 It's a very dangerous Ksafe place to live. There isn't much crime.
4 The air is very clean Apolluted because of all the cars.
5 It's a very boring / exciting city - there's a lot to see.
6 Tourists visit the lake because it's very pretty ugly.
7 The village is quite poisy quiet because it's very near
a big airport.
The Edge of the World
3 Read the first sentence of
each paragraph and match
each paragraph with the
correct topic.
Leaving St Kilda
St Kilda today
St Kilda around 1800
Where is St Kilda?
a St Kilda isn't an easy place to get to. It's in the Atlantic
Ocean about 65 km west of the Outer Hebrides islands,
which are to the north-west of Scotland. It takes 14 hours
to get there from Scotland by boat. A few people visit the
tiny islands of St Kilda every year, but not many.
b About two hundred years ago, the population of St Kilda
was about 200. They had their own way of life. They
climbed up the cliffs and caught sea birds for food. They
had meetings in the village streets and made their own
laws. They didn't have much contact with people from
other places
C But life was hard for the people of St Kilda, and many
decided to leave the islands and travel to the USA or
Australia to look for work. They wanted to earn money
and have a better life. By 1930, there were only 36
Inhabitants left. They decided that they wanted to leave
too, and on 29 August a hoat arrived and took them to
Scotland. They never returned.
d Today, there aren't any permanent inhabitants of St
Kilda on the islands. However, the islands are not empty.
Scientists live and work there, studying the sea birds and
other wildlife. There are also a few soldiers. There isn't much
entertainment, but at least there is now a sauna and a café!
4 Read the text and check your
answers to exercise 3.
хобби - это то, чем люди любят увлекаться в свободное время. я знаю много разных хобби. мое хобби это рисование. обычно люди собирают манеты, марки, статуэтки и другое. я думаю тематическим собиранием называют тогда когда ты собираешь что-то на одну тему.
A hobby is a kind of human activity, a kind of occupation that is practiced at leisure, for enjoyment.
Хо́бби -вид человеческой деятельности, некое занятие, которым занимаются на досуге, для наслаждения.
2)My hobby is to watch the mating of people, house two. Licking ass to his sister. Sniffing shit.
Моё хобби это смотреть сериалы со знаменитыми людьми, сериалы про животных. Гулять с любимой сестрой. Именно это моё увлечение.
3)Probably, there are so many things in the world, many kinds of collections can be invented, but there are the most popular collectibles, among which the most noteworthy are: banknotes (coins, paper money, tokens); Art objects; Postal items (stamps, envelopes, postcards); Things related to military affairs; equipment; Packing from something; Toys; Natural elements (insects, stuffed animals, stones); Weapons; footwear; Autographs; clothes; jewelry.
Наверное, сколько в мире есть вещей, столько и видов коллекций можно придумать, однако существуют самые популярные предметы коллекционирования, среди которых самыми примечательными являются: денежные знаки (монеты, бумажные деньги, жетоны); предметы искусства; почтовые принадлежности (марки, конверты, открытки); вещи, имеющие отношение к военному делу; техника; упаковки от чего-либо; игрушки; природные элементы (насекомые, чучела животных, камни); оружие; обувь; автографы; одежда; драгоценности.
4)The thematic collection is a collection of postage stamps and other philatelic materials (blocks, card-maxima, envelopes with special deductions) associated with a specific topic.
Тематическая коллекция это- коллекция почтовых марок и других филателистических материалов (блоков, карт-максимумов, конвертов со спецгашениями), связанная с конкретной темой.