3. Look at the following rules. Rewrite them using can, can't, have to, and don't have to.
Example: In Venice, you cannot feed the pigeons.
3) In Scotland, if someone knocks on your door and requires the use
1) In Venice, it is illegal to feed the pigeons.
of your toilet, you must let them enter.
3) In Oklahoma, it is possible to be arrested for making ugly faces
3) In Baltimore, Maryland, taking a lion to the cinema is illegal.
4) In Samoa, it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday.
6) In Texas, if you are going to commit a crime, you legally must give
24 hours notice to the police. Either orally or in written form.
7) In France, it's illegal to name a pig Napoleon.
8) In Providence, Rhode Island, selling toothpaste and a toothbrush to
at a dog.
the same customer on Sunday is illegal.
9) It is illegal to fish while sitting on a giraffe's neck in Chicago.
television can adversely affect the health, spirituality, worldview, behavior of people. television has made art more accessible, but very distant and surrogate. it is desirable to man directly
communication with talented people and personal participation according to their abilities. a person is chained - he has a negative effect on his health and does not give conscience his view of affairs. they are often exposed to electromagnetic radiation. this is not the whole list of factors that tell about a person’s physical and mental health.
naturally, there are positive aspects of television. while watching your favorite series, you can escape from reality, calm the nervous system. on the tv show a lot of informative, useful programs. we can not be aware of what is happening even in his native region. tv - a window to the world.
based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the tv is needed and useful.
телевидение может пагубно влиять на здоровье, духовность, мировоззрение, поведение людей. телевидение сделало искусство более доступным, но далеким и суррогатным. человеку желательно непосредственное общение с талантливыми людьми и личное участие по мере своих способностей. к телевизору человек прикован – что отрицательно действует на его здоровье и не дает совмещать его просмотр с делами. любители телевизионных передач ведут малоподвижный образ жизни, постоянно подвергаются электромагнитному излучению, часто вынуждены наблюдать сцены насилия. и это далеко не весь перечень факторов, которые пагубно сказываются на и психическом здоровье человека.
но естественно есть и положительные стороны телевидения. во время просмотра любимого сериала можно отвлечься от реальности, успокоить нервную систему. по телевизору показывают много познавательных, полезных передач. а без свежих новостей мы рискуем остаться на обочине общественной жизни, не быть в курсе того, что происходит даже в родном регионе. телевизор – окно в мир.
исходя из вышесказанного можно сделать вывод о том, что телевизор- нужная и полезная вещь, если использовать его по существующим правилам.
for the first time appeared in europe, russia and the united states in the 19th century. in germany one of the first halls opened in 1852, over the ocean approximately too time the first platforms were built in cincinnati, in st. louis and new york. as a rule, they were built by the sports organizations. with promoting of physical culture educational institutions also joined them. their emergence was caused by the fact that a considerable part of year climatic conditions are not favorable in many countries for sports activities under the open sky, in the covered rooms it is possible to play sports irrespective of vagaries of the weather.
in the 20th century specialized gyms are equipped with different exercise machines for occupations body building (their convenience in — address impact on groups of muscles and separate muscles) which are established permanently; as a rule, they it is less on squares, than traditional platforms.
the gym for occupations body building, hollywood.
the general trend of the second half of the 20th century is a saturation of gyms the training equipment which imitate run (racetrack), driving bicycles, walking on skis. gyms become not adapted for collective sports owing to the sizes and saturation sport by stock but will be organized closer to the place of residence of engaged and are open in most cases practically without days off.