3 Match the ideas with the people who mention them. Some ideas match with more than one person. 1 use an English dictionary - a Nicole 2 listen to music in English b Adem 3 go to another country —, c Alessandra 4 watch films in English —, d Lupita 5 write a blog in English —, 6 read a lot in English -,- 7 use new vocabulary - 8 read things on the internet - 9 work in a quiet place -
Меня зовут настя. я люблю встречать новый год. новый год это празник всех людей на планете все нарижают ёлки, вешают игрушки, дарят друг другу радость, любовь и могое другое день рождение это тоже хороший праздник. мне кажется, что день рождение для детей это самый главный праздник на планете. краждый ребёнок его встречает по разному кто то с друзьями кто то с родствениками. например я люблю праздновать свой день рождение и с друьями и с родствениками. hi my name is nastya. i love to celebrate the new year. new year is the feast of all people on the planet all narizhayut tree, hang toys, give each other joy, love and mogoe more birthday is also a very good holiday. it seems to me that the day of the birth of children is the most important holiday on the planet. krazhdy child it meets in different ways someone with
He swims in the river with his friends. Where does he swim in the river with his friends?
She is going to be an economist. What is she going to do ?
There are many lessons at school. How many lessons are there at school ?
My uncle can play tennis very well. How well does my uncle play tennis ?
I live in a little town near Moscow. Where do I live ?
Her sister is here to read a book. Why is her sister here ?
They cook barbeque in the garden every Friday. What do they cook in the garden every Friday?