3. Перевести слова и выделить суффиксы и префиксы:
communication - communicate - communicative
information – informate – informative
national – nationality – international
frequent – frequency –
exchange – change – changeable
user – use – useful
subscribe - , subscriber - prescribe
automatical – automatically – automatic
4. Подберите антонимы к данным словам:
Changeable, frequent, quick, automatic, convenient, approximate.
ответ: первый 5 про животных остальные про растения
1) The Mauritian dodo, or dodo, lived only on the island of Mauritius. The appearance of the dodo is not known for certain, because its image was restored only from images and written sources of the 17th century. The remains of the bird show that the Mauritian dodo was about 1 meter high and could weigh up to 18 kilograms. With the advent of man on the island, the bird often fell prey to people and domestic animals. Dodos were last seen alive in 1662.
2) Waggi that lived in South Africa were almost the only extinct animals, representatives of which were tamed by man. They were used to protect herds: before the cattle, quaggas noticed the approach of predators and warned the owners with a loud cry of "kuah", from which they got their name. The Boer ethnic group killed these animals for their durable hides and delicious meat. The last quagga in the world died at the Amsterdam Zoo in 1883.
3) The herbivorous moa birds that lived in New Zealand did not have wings, could reach a height of 3.5 meters and weigh up to 250 kilograms. Moa became extinct in the 1500s: they were exterminated by the Maori aborigines, who were the main population of New Zealand before the arrival of the Europeans.
4) Pikas belonging to the order Lagomorphs lived exclusively on the Mediterranean islands of Sardinia and Corsica. Sardinian pikas were hunted by local residents who ate their meat, as a result of which this species was completely exterminated at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries.
5) Tours were wild bulls, the forefathers of modern cattle. In historical time, these animals were found throughout Europe, as well as in North Africa, Asia Minor, India and the Caucasus. The last individual died in 1627 from illness. If it were not for the intense hunting and economic activity of man, the tours might have survived to this day.
6) Buttercup bulb belongs to plants of the Buttercup family. In Russia (its European part), 40 species of buttercups grow, but this species is on the verge of extinction, and in the Moscow region it no longer exists at all
7) reeping thyme, or an ordinary perennial shrub from the genus Thyme, which is widely used for medicinal purposes, as well as in cooking
8) Bearberry is a perennial evergreen shrub of the Heather family, reaching up to 30 m in height. Bearberry has fruits - a red berry-shaped drupe with 5 seeds
9) The plant is a sandy species of perennial herbaceous plants of the Clove family, growing in forest areas, forming dense communities (up to 40 cm in diameter)
10) shrub cherry: a species of dicotyledonous flowering plants included in the genus Plum of the Rosaceae family. It is believed to be the ancestor of the modern cherry tree. The fruit is edible, it is a rounded drupe with a diameter of 2.5 cm, red or black
The recipe of this dish is very simple and can be prepared even by a layman. For cooking you need about 1-1,5 kg of potatoes, a small piece of meat (you can take pork or beef), 2-3 onions, 300 grams of cheese, 1 pepper, 200 grams mushrooms and 1-2 tablespoons of oil (sunflower), and mayonnaise. Pepper, you can substitute paprika, and sunflower oil. - olive.Mayonnaise you can make yourself or buy in the store.
First I clean the potatoes and cut it into circles. They should be not too thick and not too thin. Then I put it in a bowl, add pepper, salt and spices to taste, a small amount of mayonnaise and mix all the contents. After that, I begin to cut cubes of meat, and then I also Berge and salt. Then I clean the onion and cut it into circles, and then I start to clean and cut mushrooms. I only got the cheese, which I labor grated. Then the second stage begins. I grease the baking pan with butter and put down a layer of potatoes, layer of meat, onions, mushrooms, then again a layer of potatoes. When all the ingredients over I sprinkle potatoes with cheese and put in the oven. The temperature should be about 180-200 degrees. The dish is usually prepared about 40 minutes, although this depends on the number of ingredients. If serving more than usual, that time should be increased to 60-70 minutes. Before serving, I sprinkled the potatoes with parsley or dill. This dish is simply delicious. I advise everyone to try to cook!
Кожен любить смачно поїсти. Я не є винятком. Моєю улюбленою стравою є картопля з м'ясом і сиром, запечена в духовці.
Рецепт цієї страви дуже простий і його може приготувати навіть непрофесіонал. Для приготування потрібно приблизно 1-1,5 кг картоплі, невеликий шматочок м'яса (можна взяти свинину або яловичину), 2-3 цибулини, 300 грам сиру, 1 перець, 200 грам грибів і 1-2 ложки олії (соняшникової) і майонез. Перець можна замінити паприкою, а соняшниковe олі. - оливковою.Майонез можна приготувати самостійно або купити в магазині.
Спочатку я чищу картоплю і ріжу її кружечками. Вони повинні бути не дуже товстими, і не дуже тонкими. Потім я складаю її в глибоку миску, додаю перець, сіль і спеції за смаком, невелику кількість майонезу і перемішую весь вміст. Після цього я починаю різати кубиками м'ясо, і після цього я його також перчу та солю. Потім я чищу цибулю і ріжу її кружечками, а потім я приступаю до чищення і різання грибів. У мене залишається тільки сир, який я тру на тертці. Після цього починається другий етап. Я змащую деко олією і кладу туди шар картоплі, шар м'яса, цибулі, грибів, потім знову шар картоплі. Коли всі інгредієнти закінчаться, я зверху посипаю картоплю сиром і ставлю в духовку. Температура повинна бути приблизно 180-200 градусів. Блюдо зазвичай готується близько 40 хвилин, хоча це залежить від кількості інгредієнтів. Якщо порція більше звичайної, то час необхідно збільшити до 60-70 хвилин. Перед подачею на стіл, я посипаю картоплю петрушкою або кропом. Ця страва - просто смакота. Раджу всім спробувати приготувати!