3 questions.
1 When did they arrive?
2 How long have they been in Paris?
1.19 Listen again and answer the
3 How did they get to the top of the Eiffel Tower?
4. Have they visited any museums?
5 Have they done any shopping?
6 How's their French?
7 When is their last day?
8 What do they want to do on their last day?
Він абсолютно сучасний. Тому що Куліш дуже добре показує популізм – е, що ми зараз розуміємо під популізмом. Події «Чорної ради» – це друга половина XVII століття, після Хмельниччини. І він добре показує чорну сторону козацтва. Якщо Шевченко створює величний романтичний міф про козаків, то Куліш – його друг і співрозмовник, але в певних моментах його опонент – показує темну сторону: що козаки можуть бути не тільки красивими бунтарями, але ще й анархістами, які приводять до влади популістів.
Куліш цікавий тим, що показує один і той самий феномен із різних боків. Наприклад, велике протиставлення «Чорної ради» – між ушляхетненим городовим козацтвом і низовим запорозьким козацтвом. Запорожців він показує, з одного боку, як анархістів, які ставлять під сумнів будь-яку владу, якими дуже складно управляти, які приводять до влади популіста Брюховецького. А з іншого боку, це такі прекрасні романтичні люди, як Кирило Тур – запорожець, який робить героїчні вчинки, не зважає на небезпеку. Куліш створює класичний образ запорожця.Объяснение:
I believe that the worst situations in life could end up having a positive impact on you, even if you do not see it right away. It might be horrible in the beginning, like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but in the end there will be.
The summer before my freshman year in high school my mom moved my sister and I to a new town. I had to leave my friends, and the life I had behind. I thought she was making a huge mistake and messing up our lives, but in the long run it turned out ok. Of course, going to new school and getting a new step dad and step brothers was hard but it was a good change in my life. I made new friends, and my step dad is really cool.
I never thought that divorce would happen to my family but it did and dwelling on it does not get me anywhere. It was a bad situation and by changing it, it got better and people are a lot happier now. In some ways, situations do not turn out the way you want them to but in the end, they turn out even better than you thought. Any situation can be bad or good, but it depends on how you react and handle it. Being negative about an already bad situation will just make it worse and seem a lot more difficult than it actually is. On the other hand, if you approach a bad situation with a positive and optimistic attitude, it is a lot easier to deal with. Its hard to forget about all the things that happened, but it’s easier just to move on.
Any bad situation can have a positive impact on you. Even though I went into it with a bad attitude, it found a way to work itself out in the end. In my experience I learned that divorce and moving is terrible and it scars you forever, but it also gives you a chance to start over, make new friends, and be happy.