3.Tom has ... grandfather. large.
4.It is cold in... winter here.
5.Jane is at...
6.He has... garden and ...
7.They have ...
cow,...pig and two sheep.
8.I live in ...
village near Omsk.
9.I have got ...
new computer.
10.Give me ...
pen, please.
28. If I had known you were back from your holiday. I would have phoned you.
29. You would tell anyone if you won a large amount of money on the lottery?
30. If I could have your attention for a moment. I would be very grateful.
31. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
32. If Rob had known how hard the training was, he wouldn't have entered for the race.
33. If we had left the house earlier we wouldn't have to stand in a queue now
34. Jane wouldn't have finishe music school, her teacher had not been encouraging her.
35. It would be easier for me to wash your muddy trousers, if you had left them to soak in waterfirst. Why didn't you do that?
36. if Sam had been aware of the company's financial problems. he wouldn't have agreed to take the job with them.
37. if you smoke, you risk damaging your health
38. if he were more tolerant it would be easier to get along with him.
39. if I take a job like this it will mean earning less money.
40. if you had finished the work we wouldnt be in such a mess now.
Airedale — эрдельтерьер
Basset Hound — эрдельтерьер
Basenji — басенджи
Border Collie — бассет-хаунд
Beagle — гончая
Bloodhound — ищейка
Chow Chow — бордер-колли
Boxer — боксер
Bulldog — бульдог
Chihuahua — чихуахуа
Cocker Spaniel — чау-чау
Fox Terrier — кокер-спаниель
Corgi — корги
Dachshund — такса
Dalmatian — далматинец
Doberman — доберман
German Shepherd — фокстерьер
Golden Retriever — немецкая овчарка
Great Dane — золотистый ретривер
Irish Setter — датский дог
Greyhound — борзая
Lhasa Apso — ирландский сеттер
Labrador — лабрадор
Pit Bull Terrier — лхаса апсо
Newfoundland — ньюфаундленд
Pekingese — пекинес
Saint Bernard — питбультерьер
Pointer — пойнтер
Pomeranian — померанский шпиц
Poodle — пудель
Scottish Terrier — сенбернар
Schnauzer — шнауцер
Shih Tzu — шотландский терьер
Sheepdog — овчарка
Siberian Husky — ши-тцу
Siberian husky — сибирский хаски
Spaniel — спаниель
Spitz — шпиц