3. Выберите фотографию и опишите ее. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7–8 предложений).
План ответа вам:
— the place
— the action
— the appearance of the person
— whether you like the picture or not
— why
Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № ... . The picture shows …”.
My family is not very big.
My family consists of a mother, a father, a brother, a sister, a grandmother, a grandfather.
My mother's name is... (имя мамы). I suppose that she is very beautiful and kind. She is 30 years old. My mother is fond of reading classical books and watching interesting movies.
My father's name is... (имя папы). I think that he is very tall man with beautiful grey-eyes. He is very hard-working man.
My family is very friendly.
I like to go fishing with my father.
When we have a free time, we always spend it together.
My mother and I like to watch interesting movies.
Village: Advantage: clean air, no noise, nature, working outdoors is useful
for the health.
Disadvantage: no theatres, no supermarkets, communication only with
several neighbours, road problems, very specific set of jobs.
Town: Advantage: great choice of jobs, easy access to the culture, many
supermarkets, access to trips by train, aircraft, or ship.
Disadvantage: bad air, noise, too many people in the streets, traffic jam,
Перевод: Деревня: преимущество: чистый воздух, отсутствие шума, природа, работа на открытом воздухе полезна
для здоровья.
Недостаток: отсутствие театров, отсутствие супермаркетов, сообщение только с
несколько соседей, дорожные проблемы, очень специфический набор рабочих мест.
Город: преимущество: большой выбор рабочих мест, легкий доступ к культуре, много
супермаркеты, доступ к поездкам на поезде, самолете или корабле.
Недостатки: плохой воздух, шум, слишком много людей на улицах, пробки,