Вопрос 1My sister hasn’t seen this film yet.Вопрос 2 Have you answered all the letters?Вопрос 3 Jane has telephoned three times since morning.Вопрос 4 We travelled in Europe last year.Вопрос 5 How long have you known your friend from Spain?Вопрос 6 When did you arrive at the birthday party?Вопрос 7 We haven’t finished our homework yet.Вопрос 8 Mary went to a dance last Friday.Вопрос 9 She has been to the shops and bought five carrots and a kilo of apples.Вопрос 10 Have you been to this part of the city before?Вопрос 11 Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three. But she finished it later yesterday afternoon.Вопрос 12 How have you cut your finger?Вопрос 13 He met Mary and fell in love with her at first sight.Вопрос 14 When did you write to your parents last time?Вопрос 15 The taxi has arrived. Hurry up!Вопрос 16 My husband has worked in the bank for three years since 1990 to 1993.Вопрос 17 They have been in construction business for five years.выберите один ответВопрос 18 Mary isn’t at home. She has gone to work.Вопрос 19 Have you ever seen the Queen of Great Britain?Вопрос 20 I have lost my keys. I can’t get in.
Осень самая яркая пора о которой воспевали поэты, писали прозаики, осеннюю природу которой отображали в живописи художники. Красота осенней природы это романтика настроения и с легкой грустинкой размышления в сочинении на тему осень. Особенным контрастом для ярких эмоциональных переживаний в сочинении про осень наступает в природе период золотой осени, когда особенно хочется подчеркнуть утонченность пейзажа осени в сочинении или в кратком рассказе. Шум осеннего леса, листопад, прогулки в последних теплых днях бабьего лета, грустное настроение и ожидание первого снега и холодов, все это неисчерпаемый материал для сочинения на тему осень.
Have you answered all the letters?Вопрос 3
Jane has telephoned three times since morning.Вопрос 4
We travelled in Europe last year.Вопрос 5
How long have you known your friend from Spain?Вопрос 6
When did you arrive at the birthday party?Вопрос 7
We haven’t finished our homework yet.Вопрос 8
Mary went to a dance last Friday.Вопрос 9
She has been to the shops and bought five carrots and a kilo of apples.Вопрос 10
Have you been to this part of the city before?Вопрос 11
Mrs. Clay usually finishes her work at half past three. But she finished it later yesterday afternoon.Вопрос 12
How have you cut your finger?Вопрос 13
He met Mary and fell in love with her at first sight.Вопрос 14
When did you write to your parents last time?Вопрос 15
The taxi has arrived. Hurry up!Вопрос 16
My husband has worked in the bank for three years since 1990 to 1993.Вопрос 17
They have been in construction business for five years.выберите один ответВопрос 18
Mary isn’t at home. She has gone to work.Вопрос 19
Have you ever seen the Queen of Great Britain?Вопрос 20
I have lost my keys. I can’t get in.