2.50 Listen to the key phrases. Which
phrases are for making suggestions and which
are for responding? Then practise the dialogue
in exercise 1.
KEY PHRASES O Making and responding
to suggestions
Why don't we (find a taxi)?
I'm not sure about that.
How about (getting the bus)?
We can't do that.
Let's (ask someone).
That's a good idea!
2. The reaction will be greatly influenced by gas temperature. - Future Simple Passive - На реакцию будет сильно влиять температура газа.
3. The theatre building was completed in 2007. - Past Simple Passive - Строительство театра было закончено в 2007 году.
4. The electric lamp was invented by Yablochkov. - Past Simple Passive - Электрическая лампа была изобретена Яблочковым.
5. Our Institute is made up of 6 faculties. - Present Simple Passive - Наш институт состоит из шести факультетов.
2) At that time students could not even have (основной глагол, часть сказуемого в Past Simple, множ. число) such subjects as electricity or magnetism as there was (основной глагол в Past Simple, ед. число) no laboratory for the study of these subjects.
3) His most outstanding investigations, however, are (основной глагол в Present Simple, множ. число) in the field of the kinetic theory of gases and electricity.
4) It is (основной глагол в Present Simple, ед. число) in every object large or small; but large objects, such as earth, have (основной глагол в Present Simple, множ. число) a stronger pull than small ones.
5) Although the bigger object has (основной глагол в Present Simple, ед. число) the stronger attraction, all objects, in fact, have (основной глагол в Present Simple, мн. число) some attraction too but we do not notice the gravitational pull of a book because the pull of the earth is (основной глагол в Present Simple, ед. число) very much greater.
6) It was said (вс глагол в Past Simple, ед. число) that gravitation was (основной глагол в Past Simple, ед. число) the force which held all the atoms of a star together.