4 2.31 Listen again and answer the question 1 Which city is Lucy travelling to by bus? 2 What is next to the bus? 3 Are Lucy and Hans walking with a group? 4 Is Hans walking next to Lucy? Why / Why not? 5 Is Lucy sitting inside the train? 6 Are the people on the train going on holiday
1. Moscow is larger than Leningrad 2. Moscow was the largest city in the Soviet Union 3. I think the most beautiful place in our country is /сюда вписывай место которое ты считаешь самым красивым в нашей стране/ можно еще написать так: I think /место/ is the most beautiful place in our country 4. The longest river in the Soviet Union was Amour /по некоторым данным еще Обь считают/ 5. Volga is longer than Don 6. The most beautiful square in Moscow is /впиши сюда самую красивую улицу Москвы по твоему мнению/ 7. ??? откуда это вообще можно узнать? посмотри в интернете и напиши "The newest Moscow hotel is <...>" 8. The Spassky Cathedral is the oldest building in Moscow 9. Federation Tower is the highest building in Moscow 10. не знаю, честно, не москвичка. Напиши "The shortest way from Red Square to the Exhibition is..." и далее вписывай кратчайший путь с Красной Площади до какой-то там Выставки 11. I think the streets are cleaner than they were a few years ago 12. The most difficult subject at school was /пиши сюда свой труднейший предмет/ 13. My native language in Russian so I think that English Grammar is much more difficult, since it is so different. 14. My friend is taller/shorter than me /смотря выше твой друг или ниже тебя/ 15. /впиши сюда имя низкого друга/ is the shortest person I know and /впиши сюда имя высокого друга/ is the tallest one. 16. тут зависит тоже от возраста твоего друга. если он старше, то "I am younger than my friend", если же младше, то younger замени на older 17. пиши разницу вашу в возрасте. "I am /цифра/ years older/younger than him/her"
Tsunamis are long waves generated by powerful impact on all thickness of water in the ocean. More than 80% of tsunami occur on the periphery of the Pacific ocean. The reason most tsunamis are underwater earthquakes during which there is a sudden displacement of the sea floor. The Pacific ocean is the "parent" of most of the tsunamis that we see on the planet. Reasons that cause tsunamis, the following: Underwater earthquakes. During the earthquake part of the bottom sharply drops and the other rises dramatically. This pushes a large volume of water vertically upward, and the water, tending to take a horizontal position, creates a few waves.The eruption of volcanoes. A major eruption leading to the bottom of the movement, like an earthquake. The danger of a tsunami caused by the eruption that proseda down, the volcano creates a vast bowl-shaped depression. In an effort to fill it, the water creates a very long wave. Bad name have a tsunami created after the eruption of the volcano Krakatau. Seen in harbours around the world these tsunami over half a century, has destroyed 5000 ships, and killed 36 000 people.The landslides. Tsunamis can occur due to landslides infrequently. The last known case occurred in 1958, when Alaska ice mass and the land fell into the water with almost a kilometer of height by lifting the wave up to 50 m Local tsunami up to 20 m occur in Indonesia, where a large concentration of offshore savings. Unlike ordinary waves, which arise, for example, during a storm, a tsunami affects the whole water column, not just the surface. Therefore, even small height of the tsunami can carry catastrophic character. If the shore is shallow, the tsunami can be rolled without waves, and it looks like a series of sharp tides. Funds that would have accurately identified the approaching wave does not exist. Therefore, if a storm swooped down gradually and people have time to retreat to a safe distance, the tsunami always rapid. Tsunamis are accompanied by a severe withdrawal of water from the shore, but to leave the place it's already too late. For the vessel in the open sea, where the depth reaches several kilometers, the tsunami poses no danger, since wave height is only 1 m. the speed of the wave in the hearth reach 700 km/h. When approaching the shore with decreasing depth of the thickness of a moving wave rises to a height of 50 m, and decreases movement speed. Tsunamis have multiple waves, the first and, as a rule, not the biggest, and misleading that the tsunami has passed. But the first wave only wets the shore, reducing the resistance to subsequent waves. A fatal mistake the dead is returning to shore after the initial destruction, where they are overtaken by the next biggest wave. Repeated waves may come at intervals of 2-3 hours.
2. Moscow was the largest city in the Soviet Union
3. I think the most beautiful place in our country is /сюда вписывай место которое ты считаешь самым красивым в нашей стране/
можно еще написать так: I think /место/ is the most beautiful place in our country
4. The longest river in the Soviet Union was Amour /по некоторым данным еще Обь считают/
5. Volga is longer than Don
6. The most beautiful square in Moscow is /впиши сюда самую красивую улицу Москвы по твоему мнению/
7. ??? откуда это вообще можно узнать? посмотри в интернете и напиши "The newest Moscow hotel is <...>"
8. The Spassky Cathedral is the oldest building in Moscow
9. Federation Tower is the highest building in Moscow
10. не знаю, честно, не москвичка. Напиши "The shortest way from Red Square to the Exhibition is..." и далее вписывай кратчайший путь с Красной Площади до какой-то там Выставки
11. I think the streets are cleaner than they were a few years ago
12. The most difficult subject at school was /пиши сюда свой труднейший предмет/
13. My native language in Russian so I think that English Grammar is much more difficult, since it is so different.
14. My friend is taller/shorter than me /смотря выше твой друг или ниже тебя/
15. /впиши сюда имя низкого друга/ is the shortest person I know and /впиши сюда имя высокого друга/ is the tallest one.
16. тут зависит тоже от возраста твоего друга. если он старше, то "I am younger than my friend", если же младше, то younger замени на older
17. пиши разницу вашу в возрасте. "I am /цифра/ years older/younger than him/her"
Underwater earthquakes. During the earthquake part of the bottom sharply drops and the other rises dramatically. This pushes a large volume of water vertically upward, and the water, tending to take a horizontal position, creates a few waves.The eruption of volcanoes. A major eruption leading to the bottom of the movement, like an earthquake. The danger of a tsunami caused by the eruption that proseda down, the volcano creates a vast bowl-shaped depression. In an effort to fill it, the water creates a very long wave. Bad name have a tsunami created after the eruption of the volcano Krakatau. Seen in harbours around the world these tsunami over half a century, has destroyed 5000 ships, and killed 36 000 people.The landslides. Tsunamis can occur due to landslides infrequently. The last known case occurred in 1958, when Alaska ice mass and the land fell into the water with almost a kilometer of height by lifting the wave up to 50 m Local tsunami up to 20 m occur in Indonesia, where a large concentration of offshore savings. Unlike ordinary waves, which arise, for example, during a storm, a tsunami affects the whole water column, not just the surface. Therefore, even small height of the tsunami can carry catastrophic character.
If the shore is shallow, the tsunami can be rolled without waves, and it looks like a series of sharp tides. Funds that would have accurately identified the approaching wave does not exist. Therefore, if a storm swooped down gradually and people have time to retreat to a safe distance, the tsunami always rapid. Tsunamis are accompanied by a severe withdrawal of water from the shore, but to leave the place it's already too late. For the vessel in the open sea, where the depth reaches several kilometers, the tsunami poses no danger, since wave height is only 1 m. the speed of the wave in the hearth reach 700 km/h. When approaching the shore with decreasing depth of the thickness of a moving wave rises to a height of 50 m, and decreases movement speed. Tsunamis have multiple waves, the first and, as a rule, not the biggest, and misleading that the tsunami has passed. But the first wave only wets the shore, reducing the resistance to subsequent waves. A fatal mistake the dead is returning to shore after the initial destruction, where they are overtaken by the next biggest wave. Repeated waves may come at intervals of 2-3 hours.