4. Андрійко написав на трьох картках три різні ненульові цифри a, b, c Після цього склав з них усі можливі 6 трицифрових чисел Далі він додав 5 цих 6 чисел і сказав
Олесі суму, що вийшла - 3014 Чи зможе отеся на ваги шосте число що не увійшло
до цієї суми?
2. There was no doubt that computers solved problems very quickly.
3. Instructions directed a computer.
4. Computers brought with them both economic and social changes.
5. computing embraced not only arithmetics but also computer literacy.
6. It was well known that computers prepared laboratory tests.
7. Those persons were computer literate and thought of buying a new computer.
8. They received a subscription magazine once a month.
9. My mother was ill and visited her doctor every other day.
10. Experts knew much about how to prepare programs.