4 BUILD YOUR VOCABULARY Find these words in the texts? Can you guess their meanings? 1 boating river 4 conference hall 2 observation deck 5 beach resort 3 meeting hall 6 workplace
When I was first asked to take out the trash, I was very upset and hurt and burst into tears. Then grandma took his wand, and the debris went out the door. After a while she came back, but empty, no debris. I felt ashamed and I cried again. But a wise grandmother said to me, "And a complete pelvis with thy tears also will I make?" This evening I still remember. Therefore, every time when she go outside, take a walk, I silently take the trash. I walk Rex, but not always, and only in the evening. In the morning, before work, Rex walks dad. And when we sit down with the whole family at the table, I laid out the plates. I also like to put to sleep the following adress. When mom puts her to bed, I quietly sing songs to her and she falls asleep. Mom says that I our family is an irreplaceable person! I am very glad to be useful to his family!
Яхочу стать фермером. я люблю животных,люблю деревенский образ жизни. у моей бабушки есть корова. я часто бабуле её доить.молока у бурёнки много, и бабушке тяжело, устают её старые больные руки. я с удовольствием дою бурёнушку, сепарировать молоко, сбивать масло, делать творог и варить сыр. сколько всего можно сделать из молока! я решила, что это станет делом моей жизни. я буду хозяйкой огромной фермы. у меня будет много дойных коров. все жители деревни будут трудиться на ферме и получать достойную зарплату. у меня будет и своя фабрика по производству молочной продукции. мои продукты будут самыми вкусными и качественными!
This evening I still remember. Therefore, every time when she go outside, take a walk, I silently take the trash. I walk Rex, but not always, and only in the evening. In the morning, before work, Rex walks dad. And when we sit down with the whole family at the table, I laid out the plates. I also like to put to sleep the following adress. When mom puts her to bed, I quietly sing songs to her and she falls asleep.
Mom says that I our family is an irreplaceable person! I am very glad to be useful to his family!