4. Choose the best options to complete the sentences. 1) Food must be heated to a high temperature to kill harmful a) molecule b) cell c) bacteria 2) A device for playing a digitally encoded audio on an optical disk is a d) meteorite a) printer b) keyboard c) phone d) CD player 3) Someone who dislikes new technology, especially computers is a a) engineer c) computer geek b) technophobe d) programmer 4) I don't suppose is better than a real smile, or a real hug a) a comment c) an emoticon b) a cookier d) a fraud 5) My grandmother has become a real since we got her new computer hooked up to the Internet. a) prodigy c) system administrator b) silver sufer d) hacker 6) Mark Fox is a successful journalist. He a big salary and his articles in newspaper. He all over the world to write about world events. a) will play/weren't published/sent c) paid/are published/isn't sent d) is paid/are published/is sent b) was paid/published/shall be sent 7) Barthelemy Thimonnier, the first functional sewing machine, was a French tailor. c) which invented a) who invented d) invented b) that invented he heard a strange noise that came from the ceiling. c) Reaching the top of the stairs a) Reached the top of the stairs d) Mike reached the top of stairs b) Mike reaching the top of the stairs water. 9) The Earth's surface mostly c) has been covered with a) is, covered/with d) are, covered by b) was, covered/by pleasant surprise! c) How a) What d) Such a b) What a 11) The computer I bought last week is already broken. a) which d) whom b) when 12) I will not talk to him he apologizes for what he did. c) because a) until d) although b) while.
Role-playing history is something which has become increasingly popular over recent years. Thousands of people have joined many different groups since the first re-enactment society began in the 1960s. Rob Smith has been a member of his local club for two years. He has not always been a role-play fan, but now he loves it. ‘In addition to the battles, we have visited a lot of schools, too’, he explains. Groups like this have brought English history to life for school students around the country.
1) Have you ever studied English history?
2) Has your father ever visited Britain?
3) Have you ever read a historical novel?
4) Have your friends ever given you computer games for your birthday?
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Заболевания сердца делятся на две широкие группы: врожденные и приобретенные. врожденный
пороки сердца вызваны структурными дефектами. Приобретенные пороки сердца в основном обусловлены
Врожденные дефекты могут привести к цианозу, если дефект таков, что кровь не
пройти через легкие для оксигенации. У пациента синие губы и синий палец
и ногти. Концы пальцев рук и ног округлые и булавовидные.
Иногда есть отверстие между левой и правой стороной сердца, или
даже между аортой и легочной артерией.
Симптомы зависят от типа болезни сердца. Иногда дефект выявляется
на обычном осмотре; в других случаях возможны одышка, затруднение
при ходьбе или беге, отеки ног и отечность лица, а затем и всего
тело. Некоторые из этих аномалий могут быть хирургически исправлены
1)Heart disorders fall into two broad groups: congenital and acquire
2)Congenital defects may result in cyanosis if the defect is such that blood does not
pass through the lungs for oxygenation. The patient has blue lips and blue-finger
and toe-nails. The ends of the fingers and toes are rounded and club-like.
Sometimes there is an opening between the left and right side of the heart, or
even between the aorta and pulmonary artery.
Symptoms depend on the type of heart disease. Sometimes, the defect is picked
up on a routine examination; at other times there may be breathlessness, difficulty
in walking or running, swelling of feet and puffiness of face, and later of the whole
3)Yes of course.Some these anomalies can be surgically corrected