4. Generally, there is no article with place names, but sometimes we use the. Write the or (X) (= no article): continents: in countries: in
states: in
cities/towns: in
parks: in
mountains: up
mountain ranges: to
X Africa
Central Park
Mount Everest
lakes: by Lake Issyk-Kul
seas: across
oceans: across
Black Sea
Atlantic Ocean
rivers: on Mississippi River Suez Canal
canals: through
countries whose names include the words states, kingdom, or republic: in
United States
She has not spoken yet.
They have asked me several questions.
He has already learned the rule.I am writing an exercise.
What is he doing? — He is reading a newspaper.
What are you doing here? - I'm writing a letter to my friends.
Who has writen this article?
What language are you studying?
We have already learnt a lot of English words.
What is she teaching them?
Who has taught you to do it?
He has just done something for us.
Have you found the book?
What are you looking for?
What are you talking about?
We have just talked about it.
He has just said something about it.
She is telling them some interesting story.
He has told us nothing about it.
She has told them some stories about dogs.
We have had two lessons today.
Have you read any stories by Jack London?
I am answering the telephone right now.
He has fixed his car and now he is not having any trouble with the brakes anymore.
You have just heard tomorrow's weather forecast.