"Я сделаю все возможное ". Марк Твен сказал. Когда он начал свою лекцию, Марк Твен заметил члена клуба. Он сидел в на него со старым человеком, который был очень грустным лицом. Марк Твен начал рассказывать анекдоты, один за другим. "Я сказал длинные и короткие шутки шутками, новые шутки и старые шутки," Марк Твен сказал своим друзьям. "Я сказал в каждой шутке я знал, и вскоре все смеялись Все -., Но не старик Он смотрел на меня с холодным, голубые глаза я не мог заставить его смеяться, и я попытался снова и снова, но ничего " (дословный)
English in our society. You know, English is the most popular language in the world. In a lot of countries it is international langage. Many contries all over the world speak on it, for example Canada, England, America, China and a lot of others... Of course in a lot of countries there are their native language: in China it is Chineese, in Italy it is Italian etc. So as you see English is the most speakable language in the world. If you want to get a job, you won't ba accepted without knowing English. There are two wayes of speaking English. First is the American English. Some new words, came not from Latin, Very sharp language. Second is British traditional English. The words are usually mild and the accent is strong enough. and the last: if you decided to study English seriously, I can say you one: It is great language, and you are at the right way!
You know, English is the most popular language in the world. In a lot of countries it is international langage. Many contries all over the world speak on it, for example Canada, England, America, China and a lot of others... Of course in a lot of countries there are their native language: in China it is Chineese, in Italy it is Italian etc. So as you see English is the most speakable language in the world. If you want to get a job, you won't ba accepted without knowing English. There are two wayes of speaking English. First is the American English. Some new words, came not from Latin, Very sharp language. Second is British traditional English. The words are usually mild and the accent is strong enough.
and the last: if you decided to study English seriously, I can say you one: It is great language, and you are at the right way!