1. His wife was not watering flowers in the garden. 2. Your neighbors did not listen to music yesterday. 3. She did not wash the dishes and clean the apartment. 4. They did not dance at home. 5. My mother did not make breakfast. 6. Peter did not eat breakfast and drink a cup of tea. 1. Was his wife watering flowers in the garden? 2. Did your neighbors listen to music yesterday? 3. Did he wash the dishes and clean the apartment? 4. Did they dance home? 5. Did my mother make breakfast? 6. Did Peter eat breakfast and drink a cup of tea? 1. His wife was watering flowers in the garden. 2. Your neighbors listened to music yesterday. 3. She washed the dishes and clean the apartment. 4. They danced home. 5. My mother made breakfast 6. Peter ate breakfast and drank a cup of tea.
ˈгрейтли ин зэт уо. зей хоупт зэт уо ууд ˈневэ ˈхэпэн эˈген. зей хоупт зэт зэ ˌдеклэˈрейшэн ууд хелп ту приˈвент ˈфьючэ уоз. бат синс зэт тайм зеэ хэз нот бин э тайм он ˈaуэ ˈплэнит уиˈзaут уо.
ту приˈвент уо ˈпипл шуд ˌандэˈстэнд зэт ˈеври ˈпёсн хэз зэ райт ту ˈлибэти ˈджастис энд иˈкуолити. ˈпипл шуд ˈриэли рисˈпект зэ райтс ов ˈазэ ˈпипл. ин ˈазэ уёдз зей шуд би ˈтолэрэнт ов ˈазэ ˈкалчэз риˈлиджэнз айˈдиэз энд ˈвэльюз зэт ˈдифэ фром зеэз. зис из хaу уи кэн билд пис ин зэ уёлд.
ˈбилдин пис биˈгинз уиз ё ˈфэмили, ё скул энд ё риˈлейшэншипс уиз ё френдз. ˈеври дей ю мит ˈпипл хуз сотс энд айˈдиэз а ˈдифрэнт фром ёр оун. ю шуд лён ту рисˈпект зи эˈпиньэнз энд ˈвэльюз зэт а ˈдифрэнт фром ёз. ю шуд лён ту би ˈтолэрэнт. бат риˈмембэ зэт ю хэв зэ райт ту ˌдисэˈгри уиз ˈвэльюз ˈдифрэнт фром ёр оун.
2. Your neighbors did not listen to music yesterday.
3. She did not wash the dishes and clean the apartment.
4. They did not dance at home.
5. My mother did not make breakfast.
6. Peter did not eat breakfast and drink a cup of tea.
1. Was his wife watering flowers in the garden?
2. Did your neighbors listen to music yesterday?
3. Did he wash the dishes and clean the apartment?
4. Did they dance home?
5. Did my mother make breakfast?
6. Did Peter eat breakfast and drink a cup of tea?
1. His wife was watering flowers in the garden.
2. Your neighbors listened to music yesterday.
3. She washed the dishes and clean the apartment.
4. They danced home.
5. My mother made breakfast
6. Peter ate breakfast and drank a cup of tea.