4. Составьте отрицательные предложения в Past Simple. а) Гюльджан выпила кофе. (молоко) Гюльджан не пила молока. б) Моя мама мыла посуду. (утренняя зарядка) в) Кайрат сломал ногу. (рука) г) Я заварил чашку чая. (торт) д) Мы посетили музей в выходные. (художественная галерея) е) Вчера она купила новое платье для вечеринки. (футболка с джинсами) ж) В детстве он любил играть в футбол. (теннис) з) Его родители вчера вечером смотрели передачу по телевизору. (фильм
Sir Isaac Newton is an English scientist and mathematician. He was born in 1642, on the 25th of December in the little village of Woolsthorpe in England. His father was a wealthy farmer but he had died before Isaac was born.
Newton published his discoveries in two books which contain his three laws of motion and the universal gravitation law. The scientist used these laws to predict the motion of the planets around the Sun, the stars and comets motion. Isaac Newton studied optics and developed the theory of colour: he discovered that a prism could decompose white light into a multicoloured spectrum. He was also the constructor of the first practical reflecting telescope in the world. As for mathematics he and Leibniz developed the fundamental theorem of infinitesimal calculus.
Moreover Isaac Newton devoted his time to studying theology and practicing alchemical experiments. It is known that he published some of his theological researches. He made an attempt to predict the end of the world and he estimated it would happen after the year of 2060.
Newton studied at Trinity College in Cambridge University. His incredible aptitude was recognized early. It was there that he discovered the generalized binomial theorem. Then he moved to London in 1969 where he lived until his death in 1727. The scientist was also a member of the Parliament of England. Newton died in his sleep at the age of 84 and was buried in Westminster Abbey. He was never married and died intestate.
Isaac Newton is considered to be the most influential scientist in the history of mankind. His discoveries on physics, astronomy and mathematics provided a basis for modern science and his ideas changed our world.
Это про Исака Ньютона
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