4. Выполните задание в соответствии с образцами.
А. — Why didn’t you tell him my new address? (forget).
— I didn’t tell him your new address because (that) I had forgotten it.
1. Why couldn’t you get into your new flat at once? (lose the key). 2. What did you learn about Helen from her letter? (be ill for a month). 3. What did you hear about Bob? (get married). 4. Why did Tomas come home so soon from his vacation? (spend all his money). 5. Why didn’t Kate want to go to the cinema? (see the film). 6. Why did he run to the refreshment room during the first break? (not have breakfast at home). 7. Why didn’t you see Fred when you came to Moscow? (to leave before).
Have you thought about how much you have in each day there is garbage? Did you know that in Tallinn per capita occurs almost 400 kg of mixed waste per year? Everyone should certainly be reviewed, which he throws in the trash under the sink.
The main part of the contents of the bin, with high probability, accounts for food waste and related packaging. During moving or cleaning become an unpleasant surprise found in a closet not taken out of packaging tools, clothes or other consumer goods, date of purchase which are difficult to remember. Even worse, if it turns out to be the cosmetics that have expired. Waste of money, think of the person first. And the environment?
Here are some tips to reduce the amount of waste arising.
• Go to the store with my bag. This can be plastic bag since last purchase, and even better is a cloth bag or backpack.
• If you constantly forget to take your bag, put in car or bag a spare plastic bag that unplanned trip to the store bag or the bag is already with you.
• Before buying, think you need this thing or you want it only one at a time. Maybe the wiser thing to borrow or buy for a few people, especially for seasonal items (ski, lawn mower, etc.) . Think about all the things that the majority of the time without things stored in the basement.
• Give preference to sold by weight, not packaged product, which is often excessively packaged.
• Buying fruit, you can do one plastic bag, because a single packet can be pasted and a few stickers. Sometimes he does not need, eg. the sticker price can be pasted on a bunch of bananas.
• Sliced product — in recent years the convenience. When cutting food at home you will greatly reduce the waste of packaging. Did you know that the price cut goods in a quarter or half higher?
• Don't buy unnecessary products in large quantities. Consider that in the coming days you are going to cook. So there is less trash you have to throw away later.
• Give preference to goods which are sold and exchangeable fillers.
• As garbage bags use old plastic bags, save on special garbage bags.
• Sort packages and deliver into a container for packaging. So you will help the re-use of packaging and reduce the amount of waste deposited in landfills.
• Give preference to a product with environmental labelling in its production creates less waste.
• In portable electronic devices (flashlight, camera, Sidi player, etc.) instead of disposable batteries use rechargeable batteries — one battery can be recharged up to 1000 times!
• Instead of bottled water for drinking water use filters for the faucet or the filter-jugs.
• Before you throw something, think, can this be repaired, do something else, or to give to someone.
• Do not buy a new mobile phone, TV or other equipment just because the old model went out of fashion.
Прочтите стихотворение вслух. Чтения “про себя” недостаточно - вы должны проговорить и услышать текст. Читать нужно “качественно”: не спеша, с выражением. Раза три минимум.
Во время чтения старайтесь представить себе то, о чем говорите. Все пейзажи, персонажей, ситуации, переживания. Представляйте убедительно, зрительными образами. Заставьте свой мозг должен активно работать во время чтения. Постарайтесь даже мысленно пережить события стихотворения, если получится. Так вы запомните сюжет, даже если сами стихотворные строчки в памяти пока не отложатся.
Еще раз прочтите стихотворение вслух, но на этот раз не старайтесь декламировать с расстановкой и даже вдумываться в смысл текста. Зато акцентируйте внимание на звучании слов, их форме, ударениях, грамматических формах (падеж, род, число, время). Так вы задействуете слуховую память.
Следующий шаг должен включить моторную память. Для этого перепишите стихотворение на чистый лист бумаги или в тетрадь. Пишите аккуратно, получайте удовольствие от каждой буквы. И проговаривайте то, что пишете. Вуаля: сейчас “работают” три вида памяти (зрительная, слуховая и моторная)!
Теперь, теперь, когда текст вам уже немного знаком, пришло время свободных ассоциаций. Запишите стихотворение не так, как разделил его на части автор, а так, как вам хочется разбить его на строфы по смыслу. Не ограничивайте себя в творчестве: рисуйте на полях и между строк, подчеркивайте и/или обводите слова и фразы, рисуйте персонажей, пишите комментарии. Чем забавнее получится - тем больше вероятность, что вы прочно запомните плоды совместного (автора-поэта и вашего!) творчества.