4 You work for the city council. There is no more space to throw away
rubbish and the city needs to save
money. Discuss the questions and find a
solution to the city's rubbish problem.
1 Decide how people should separate their
rubbish. How many categories should there be?
Will the council provide containers?
2 Decide if there is a limit to how much can be
thrown away. If there is, will you charge people
for throwing away more rubbish?
3 Decide what happens to the different types of
rubbish, e.g. what happens to all the glass?
- Good afternoon. «Tower Investment Bank». May I help you?
- Hi. I would like to talk to Mr. Clinton from the accounting department, please.
- May I ask you who is calling?
- My name is Bruno Ponti. I’m calling from an advertising agency.
- Thank you, Mr. Ponti. Just a moment, please. Let me check if Mr. Clinton is in his office.
- Sure.
- Thank you for waiting. I’m sorry but Mr. Clinton isn’t available at the moment. Would you like to leave a message or shall I ask him to call you back? Does he have your number?
- I believe he does. But I can give it to you, just in case.
- All right. Go ahead, please.
- My number is 046 78345.
- OK. And would you mind repeating your name?
- Sure. Bruno Ponti. I can spell it: B-R-U-N-O P-O-N-T-I.
- Thank you, Mr. Ponti. I’ll ask Mr. Clinton to call you back as soon as possible today.
- Thanks a lot. Bye.
2) What is your surname? (Какая у тебя фамилия?) My surname is … (Моя фамилия …)
3) How old are you? (Сколько тебе лет?) - I'm … years old. (Мне ЧИСЛО лет).
4) Where are you from? (Откуда ты?) I am from … ( Я из ГОРОД).
5) When is your birthday? (Когда у тебя день рождения?) My birthday is … ( Мое день рождения ДАТА)
6) What do you like to do? (Что тебе нравится) I like (singing, dancing, swimming) (Мне нравится петь, танцевать, плавать, например).
7) Have you get a pet? (У тебя есть домашнее животное). Yes, I have a cat/dog/parrot (Да, у меня есть кошка/собака/попугай). ИЛИ No, I have not. (Нет).
8) What is your favorite holiday? (Какой твой любимый праздник?) My favorite holiday is birthday/Easter/New Year (Мой любимый праздник день рождение/Пасха/Новый год.).