[40 дать ответы на данные вопросы. 22. how do you usually spend you holidays? 23. what is the climate in great britain? 24. what do you usually do in your spare time? 25. do you have a hobby? what is your hobby? 26. what holidays in russia do you know? 27. what holidays in britain do you know? 28. what is your favourite holiday? 29. what do you want to be? 30. do you like to travel? 31. why do people like travelling? 32. where would you like to travel? 33. what cities did you visit? 34. what countries do you want to visit? 35. do you want to visit london? 35. what do you usually have for breakfast? 37. how do you usually spend your evenings? 38. what time do you usually go to bed? 39. what food is good for our health? 40. what kind of sport do you go in for? 41. what foreign languages do you study at school? 42. why do people write letters? 43. how often do your check your e-mail? 44. how many students are there in your class? 45. what russian poets and writers do you know? 46. what kind of music do you prefer?
The climate of Great Britain is wet
In my spare time I usually read books
My hobby is origami
I know The Independent Day in Russia
I know April`s Fool Day
My favourite holiday is New Year
I want to be an architect
Yes, I like
I would like to travel to Europe
I visited Paris
I want to visit Spain
Yes, I do
For breakfast I usually have bread,eggs and butter
I usually spend my evening to reading
I usually go to bed at 9 p.m.
Food is good for our health which consists of proteins
I do box
I study English and Korean at school
People write letters for connecting with friends and family
I check my e-mail 2 times a week
There are 30 students in my class
I prefer rock music