40 I entered the room slowly. Here too the
daylight was completely shut out, and the
room had an airless smell. There was a fire
in the old-fashioned fireplace, but it did not
want to bum, and the smoke that hung in
the room seemed colder than the clearer air.
Some wintry branches of candles on the wall
shone a weak light into the darkness of the
room. It had probably once been beautiful,
but everything in it was covered with dust and
There was a long table with a tablecloth on
it as it a big meal was being prepared when
the house and the clocks all stopped. A large
object stood in the centre of this table, so
heavily covered in cobwebs that I could not
see its shape, it seemed to grow out of the
yellow cloth like a black fungus, and I saw
spiders with fat bodies running out of it and
running home to
I was watching these creatures from a
distance when Miss Havisham put her hand
on my shoulder. In her other hand she had
a stick which she was leaning on, and she
looked like a witch from my story books.
What do you think that is? she asked me,
pointing with her stick. That, where those
CooWebs are?
I can't guess what it is, ma'am.
It's a great cake. A wedding cake. Minel
У кого только два учителя?
А Стивен Б Мартин В Томас
2. Кто берет уроки на выходных?
А Стивен Б Мартин В Томас
3. Кто должен носить униформу?
А Стивен Б Мартин В Томас
4. кто преуспевает в спортивных соревнованиях?
А Стивен Б Мартин В Томас
5. Кто может иногда решить, что изучать?
А Стивен Б Мартин В Томас
6. чьи родители живут в другой стране?
А Стивена Б Мартина В Томаса
7. Кто покинул свою старую школу, когда его семья переехала в другой дом?
А Стивен Б Мартин В Томас
8. Уроки которого начнется в ближайшее время?
А Стивена Б Мартина В Томаса
я просто перевила
это вопросы для работы с текстом ,но ты не предоставил текст +_+