44. do/make that $150 altogether. (calculate) 45. What do you do/make for a living? 46. He was done/made mayor in 1998. 47. It must take her ages to do/make her make-up in the mornings. 48. I don’t think we’re going to do/make the town before nightfall. 49. Who does/makes your hair? 50. I did/made French for five years. 51. I think it’s time we did/made for home. 52. We did/made 300 kilometres on the first day. 53. The car can do/make 120 mph. 54. The men did/made off as the police arrived. 55. How are you going to do/make your living room? 56. I couldn’t do/make up what I had done/made to annoy her. 57. In the evenings students are free to do/make as they please. 58. He says he’s never done/made hard drugs in his life. 59. As far as I can do/make out, he has never been married. 60. People thought that the use of robots would do/make away with boring low-paid factory jobs. 61. He could just do/make out a dark shape moving towards him. 62. He did/made over the whole estate to his son. 63.I know you don’t like him, but there’s no need to keep doing/making him down in front of the boss. 64. Nick did/made up a song about them. 65. They did/made him up as an old man for the last act of the play. 66. Are you trying to do/make me out of a job? 67. Have you done/made up with Patty yet? 68. She spent ages doing/making herself up. 69. Women do/make up only a small proportion of the prison population. 70. They did/made up an old cottage in the Scottish Highlands. 71. Caroline doesn’t have a natural talent for music but she does/makes up for it with hard work. 72. This question doesn’t have anything to do/make with the main topic of the survey. 73. I don’t have any sugar so you’ll have to do/make without. 74. I was done/made to wait for hours before I was examined by the doctor. 75. This skirt does/makes up at the back.
Does family mean a lot to you?
The family is not just two three or seven people living together, is it?
Why is family much more important to you than friends?
Who can betray you?
Whom will you ask for advice if you get into trouble?
Friends are everything to you, aren't they?
Whom isn't life worth living without?
Do you care much about your family?
What do they care about?
Would you feel absolutely lonely if you did not have friends?
What do you do with your friends when you gather at your place?
I'm very lucky because I have a family that loves me and friends I enjoy spending time with, aren't I?
Do your parents and you see the world in the same way?
Who wishes you well?
Do your parents like your friends?
Why you should cherish real friends?
2. Can you see red double-decker buses in London? You can see red double-decker buses in London, can't you? Can you see red double-decker buses in London or in Paris? Where can you see red double-decker buses? What can you see in London?
3. Are black cabs special taxis? Black cabs are special taxis, aren't they? Are black or yellow cabs special taxis? What colour are special taxes? What are black cabs?