44. do/make that $150 altogether. (calculate) 45. What do you do/make for a living? 46. He was done/made mayor in 1998. 47. It must take her ages to do/make her make-up in the mornings. 48. I don’t think we’re going to do/make the town before nightfall. 49. Who does/makes your hair? 50. I did/made French for five years. 51. I think it’s time we did/made for home. 52. We did/made 300 kilometres on the first day. 53. The car can do/make 120 mph. 54. The men did/made off as the police arrived. 55. How are you going to do/make your living room? 56. I couldn’t do/make up what I had done/made to annoy her. 57. In the evenings students are free to do/make as they please. 58. He says he’s never done/made hard drugs in his life. 59. As far as I can do/make out, he has never been married. 60. People thought that the use of robots would do/make away with boring low-paid factory jobs. 61. He could just do/make out a dark shape moving towards him. 62. He did/made over the whole estate to his son. 63.I know you don’t like him, but there’s no need to keep doing/making him down in front of the boss. 64. Nick did/made up a song about them. 65. They did/made him up as an old man for the last act of the play. 66. Are you trying to do/make me out of a job? 67. Have you done/made up with Patty yet? 68. She spent ages doing/making herself up. 69. Women do/make up only a small proportion of the prison population. 70. They did/made up an old cottage in the Scottish Highlands. 71. Caroline doesn’t have a natural talent for music but she does/makes up for it with hard work. 72. This question doesn’t have anything to do/make with the main topic of the survey. 73. I don’t have any sugar so you’ll have to do/make without. 74. I was done/made to wait for hours before I was examined by the doctor. 75. This skirt does/makes up at the back.
ответ:Модальные глаголы (modal verbs) — это особая группа глаголов. Они обозначают возможность, вероятность, необходимость или совершить какое-то действие. Есть модальные глаголы, используя которые, вы можете рассказать об умениях человека (can/could), запретить или приказать кому-либо что-то делать (must), дать совет (should) и т. д.
Рассмотрим несколько примеров модальных глаголов:
I must finish this article till Wednesday. — Я должен закончить эту статью до среды.
You should follow your doctor’s advice! — Тебе следует слушать советы доктора!
She can’t swim so she isn’t coming with us to the river. — Она не умеет плавать, поэтому она не идет с нами на реку.
What languages can he speak? — На каких языках он может говорить?
Задание №1.
1. Стать зрителем собственной жизни, чтобы защитить себя от страданий жизни.
2. Он был слишком возбужден, чтобы усидеть на месте и взял ее в переполненную улицу.
3. Глаза желто-коричневого цвета. Что цвет будет очень сложно сделать.
4. Великая вещь-хорошие, сильные частей.
5. Есть все основания полагать, что ребенок был похищен.
6. Я должен был приехать, чтобы увидеть кого-то, не так далеко отсюда.
Задание №2.
1. Jane was very frightened. She couldn’t even call. - Jane was very scared to call.
2. The man is very cold. He cannot write any more. - A man is very cold to write.
3. He has done very much. He can’t give up his experiments. - He has done a lot to not give up.
4. The young writer was very tired. He couldn’t finish his play. - The young writer too tired to finish the play.
5. The painter is very proud of his work. He won’t stand any criticism. - Artist proud to paint another one.
Задание № 3,4,5,6 я не смогла сделать Объяснение: