5. A legend usually has several components. Look at the table that analyzes the legend about Lake lesykkel in exercise 2. The
complete the table about the legend in exercise 4.
Legend N 1
Legend 2
A beautiful girl Cholper
Hero Heroine
A cruel Khan
Situation at the
The Khan wants to
marry the beautiful
girl. She loves a young
man and doesn't want
to marry the Khan.
The Khan brings her to
his palace and puts her
in a high tower.
She opens the window
and jumps out of the
Conflict in the story
Problem is resolved
Happy ending?
A beautiful lake
Я могу играть на гитаре. Мне нравится играть на музыкальных инструментах.
2. She often goes shopping at the weekends. - Она часто ходит за покупками в выходные дни.
3. Do you like fried fish? Ты любишь жареную рыбу?
4. Is she watching TV now? - Она смотрит телевизор сейчас?
5. They really enjoy working with children. - Им действительно нравится работать с детьми
6. Do you want to write a letter to her? - Вы хотите, написать ей письмо?
7. Do they go shopping very often? - Они ходят по магазинам очень часто?
8. May I smoke here? - No, smoking is prohibited. - Могу ли я курить здесь? - Нет, курение запрещено.