5 Complete the missing text with the words in the box. and by inx 2 seing that with x 2 a beautiful green snow-capped traditional costumes 7 hand-made crafts. I bought a lovely Our tour guide was a friendly young man 1 dark curly hair 2a big smile. He took us to a little village 3. valley 4was surrounded 5 mountains. There were some women black bag little blue flowers on it. eight
If I have an opportunity to open a new leisure center I will make a trampoline park! I think it is very interesting and funny. Many children love trampoline, me too.
It would be a great, colourful apartment with many drawings. Inside it will be a small hall with sofas and register office. After hall will be a very big room with many kinds of trampolines! In another room will be a small swimming pool. I think it is a great plan! I hope that someday I will creat it.
2 от глагола Amaze образуется имя прилагательное при окончания -ing amazing
3 от глагола Paint образуется имя существительное при окончания -ing и -s для множественного числа имен существительных paintings
4 от глагола Collect образуется имя существительное при окончания -tion collection
5 от имени существительного Impression образуется множественное число имен существительных при окончания -s Impressionists
6 от существительного History образуется имя прилагательное historical при суффикса -ical
7 от глагола Follow образуется имя прилагательное при окончания -ing following