5)... it can cause Vagif
: You know Samira, how lucky I'm to stay alive after that (1)... day.
Samira: What happened? What was the (2)...?
Vagif: Oh, a horrible (3)..! You can't (4)... how dangerous it is and what
Sumir: How did it happen? Did they inform people about it? Was there any (6)...?
Vagit: Oh, 1o. But they usually (7)... people beforehand by radio or TV.
Samira: I wonder how tomadoes happen, what shape and (8).. results they have
Vagif: Tornadoes appear as a cloud which moves in circles round the (9)...
Samira: You know, it's very horrible to hear it. And what about the (11)...?
The have the shape of a pipe which are narrow (10)... and wide at the top
Vagif: it caused a lot of damages, I don't want (12)... any more about it
Samira: (13) Vagif.
3 GW. Choose the best saying to complete it.
. You are lucky indeed,
Beller late they never.
• Everything is good in its season,
Thanks God I wasn't at home!
What a wonderful day it was!
Moreover, as the towns and villages of the countryside are usually very small, the feeling of community is much stronger. Living in the city we often don't even know the names of our neighbours, while in the countryside your neighbours can become your close friends who will be happy to help you in need.
Another thing that matters a lot to me is the possibility of getting fresh fruit and vegetables straight from the ground. Instead of buying processed or genetically modified fod from the supernarket, you can grow your own greens or ask your neighbouring farmers for some goods.
All in all, the countryside living seems much more appealing to me. Maybe my opinion is a bit idealistc and will change with time, but for now I would really enjoy spending a moth or two in a remote village somewhere by the lake surrounded by green hills.