5 Match the words in A to the words in B to make
compound nouns and adjectives. Then match the
compound words to definitions 1-7. Which two
words are adjectives?
A eco-energy-food greenhouse global
- recycling - rubbish
B centre dump w efficient a friendly gases
miles warming
1 we leave things that we can't recycle in this place
2 not harmful to the environment
3 the increase in the temperature of the world's
4 we take old objects and materials to this place and
use them again
5 the distance food travels to get to our homes
6 not using a lot of power
7 gases like carbon dioxide that are bad for the
global warming (3)
eco friendly (2)
greenhouse gases (7)
recycling centre (4)
energy efficient (6)
food miles (5)
rubbish dump (1)