5 Now answer the questions about the town. 1 What is opposite the museum?
The school is opposite the museum.
2 What is between the church and the bank?
There's between the church and the bank?
3 Is there a theatre in the town?
4 What is between the church and the cafés?
5 What is opposite the hotel?
6 Is there a cinema in the town?
7 Are there two hotels?
8 What is in front of the supermarket?
my name is and i have been in school since first grade. my first day was the most unforgettable! when i came to school i was met by new friends. their names were and and i am still friends with them. on the first day of school, our class teacher asked everyone interesting questions and i answered all her questions with joy and interest! at the break, we played. my friends and i played catch-up. but it turned out that you can’t run at school! then the teacher gave us delicious chocolates. we gladly ate them. on my first day i was the happiest! this day will remain in my soul forever.
меня зовут и я учусь в школе с первого класса. мой первый день был самым незабываемым! когда я пришел в школу меня встретили новые друзья. их звали и и я с ними до сих пор дружу. в школе в первый день, наш классный руководитель задавал всем интересные вопросы и я на все её вопросы с радостью и интересом отвечал! на перемене мы играли. я и друзья играли в догонялки. но оказалось что в школе бегать нельзя! потом учитель нам дал вкусные шоколадки. мы с радостью их ели. в мой первый день я был самым счастливым! этот день останется в моей душе навсегда.
буду рад если )