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The Travelers
It was a beautiful sunny day. Two A
were walking down
the road together. Suddenly, one saw a bag of money lying on the
road. He picked it up happily. "Look!" he said, "I have found some
money! I am B
man alive!"
"Don't say "I", say "we". People who travel together should share
both their good and bad luck," said the second man.
"No, no," the C
man said angrily. "I found it. It is
I will keep it."
Just then they heard someone shout: "Stop thief!" They looked behind
them and saw many people running towards them, shouting angrily.
The man who found the money was afraid. "What will we do?" he
"No, no," the other man said, "You E
"we" before, you
should not say it now. Say: "What will I do?" I will not help you."
A. 1) man
2) men
3) man's 4) men's
B. 1) the luckiest 2) the luckier 3) luckiest
4) luckier
c. 1) another 2) others 3) another's 4) other
D. 1) me
2) our
3) mine
4) my
E. 1) don't say 2) didn't say 3) aren't saying 4) do not say
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