5 Write six sentences describing how you do different things. Use the verbs in the first box and adverbs formed from the adjectives in the second box.
Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967. He was a very energetic child and received a guitar at the age of 13. This guitar, and his poetry which was inspired by his misunderstood feelings, fueled him to create the greatest music of all time. His attraction to Courtney Love Harrison was a mysterious and violent one. Whenever they met, they would either wrestle in a bar or burn each other with cigarettes. Soon enough, they married and their only child, Frances Bean Cobain, was born in 1993. Frances was the love of his life and he would never bring her any pain. Kurt and Courtney were having marital problems mainly because Courtney felt she was not receiving the attention she deserved for her band Hole. She felt this because her husband was the infamous Kurt Cobain: lead singer of Nirvana. Kurt had never asked for fame or attention. In fact he was planning on "breaking-up" the band and renaming themselves to remain in the underground world of music. But he did not get a chance to do so, neither did he have the chance of seeing the love of his life, Frances, grow up. He had had major problems with drugs and had escaped from approximately 37 rehab centers. The last one he escaped from was on April 1, 1994. Seven days later, on April 8 at 8:40AM, his body was found by an electrician at the Cobain house in Seattle, Washington. Autopsies prove his death was no later than on the evening of April 5. Next to his body was a note to his fans, a shotgun, and a box of heroin syringes. It was proclaimed suicide by the authorities but too many factors could lead to later proving it was not suicide whatsoever. Those factors are: the validity and interpretation of the "suicide" letter, the amount of heroin in his system, and Courtney Love's involvement with the death. Kurt Cobain was a loving father and would never leave his beautiful daughter and fans through suicide.
Входящая логистика включает в себя деятельность по приему,
хранение и распределение сырья для использования в производстве. Это
неотъемлемый элемент деловых операций для производственной фирмы.
Услуги входящей логистики охватывают все виды деятельности, необходимые для
товары от источника до склада или производственного предприятия,
такие как транспорт, инвентарь, складирование и материалы
Получение и хранение сырья - большая ответственность за
производители. Крупные компании могут иметь отдельные объекты для
хранение сырья. Небольшие компании часто продолжают получать
районы внутри завода, в которых процесс производства занимает
место. Организационный элемент процесса получения материалов
важно, потому что это значительно влияет на эффективность, с
какие сотрудники могут распространять материалы. Задержки в этом процессе можно установить
Вернуться производства и стоить компании денег или возможностей.
Inbound Logistics - это аутсорсинговая услуга, которая предлагает
клиенты получают следующие преимущества: выявление и сокращение
входящие расходы; более низкий уровень запасов как упаковки, так и
ингредиенты; повысить гибкость цепочки поставок, чтобы новые продукты или
рекламные акции могут быть выведены на рынок быстрее и т. д.
Преимущества эффективного сервиса входящей логистики
Консолидация товаров перед отправкой, что
исключить дорогостоящие поставки.
Местное представительство повлияет на соблюдение таможенных правил
процедуры в стране происхождения.
Сбор и упаковка продукции перед экспортом.
Временное хранение перед отправкой.
Контроль качества продукции.
Картирование цепочки поставок и анализ элементов затрат
на сопоставимой основе.
Управление транспортом и экспедирование входящих
материалы и готовая продукция.
Использование современных ИТ-систем для обеспечения полной видимости
транзит по всей цепочке поставок
Kurt Donald Cobain was born on February 20, 1967. He was a very energetic child and received a guitar at the age of 13. This guitar, and his poetry which was inspired by his misunderstood feelings, fueled him to create the greatest music of all time. His attraction to Courtney Love Harrison was a mysterious and violent one. Whenever they met, they would either wrestle in a bar or burn each other with cigarettes. Soon enough, they married and their only child, Frances Bean Cobain, was born in 1993. Frances was the love of his life and he would never bring her any pain. Kurt and Courtney were having marital problems mainly because Courtney felt she was not receiving the attention she deserved for her band Hole. She felt this because her husband was the infamous Kurt Cobain: lead singer of Nirvana. Kurt had never asked for fame or attention. In fact he was planning on "breaking-up" the band and renaming themselves to remain in the underground world of music. But he did not get a chance to do so, neither did he have the chance of seeing the love of his life, Frances, grow up. He had had major problems with drugs and had escaped from approximately 37 rehab centers. The last one he escaped from was on April 1, 1994. Seven days later, on April 8 at 8:40AM, his body was found by an electrician at the Cobain house in Seattle, Washington. Autopsies prove his death was no later than on the evening of April 5. Next to his body was a note to his fans, a shotgun, and a box of heroin syringes. It was proclaimed suicide by the authorities but too many factors could lead to later proving it was not suicide whatsoever. Those factors are: the validity and interpretation of the "suicide" letter, the amount of heroin in his system, and Courtney Love's involvement with the death. Kurt Cobain was a loving father and would never leave his beautiful daughter and fans through suicide.