51. Excuse me. Is there … post office near here?
A. A
B. The
C. An
D. –
E. At
52. We are having … lamb for lunch.
A. ---
B. The
C. A
D. An
E. Those
53. Would you like … cake?
A. -
B. A
C. An
D. the
E. any
54. Don’t worry about your letter. I--- it the day before yesterday.
A. Sended
B. have sent
C. Sent
D. have send
E. Send
55. When--- Jill---school?
A. had, finished
B. has, finished
C. did, finish
D. did, finished
E. have, finished
56. When I was a child, I--- always--- late for school.
A. have, been
B. Was
C. had, been
D. was, been
E. was, be
57. You are wrong. You had better--- again.
A. to try
B. trying
C. tried
D. try
E. was trying
58. There was nobody at home, ---?
A. was there
B. were they
C. weren’t they
D. wasn’t there
E. weren’t there
59. -Granny has lost her passport. - When--- she---it?
A. has, lost
B. had, lost
C. Lost
D. did, lose
E. did, lost
60. I saw you buying a bunch of roses this morning. ---?
A. Who did you buy it for?
B. Who bought you it?
C. Who did buy it for you?
D. Who did buy you it for?
E. Who was you buy it?
61. If I any help, Imy friend.
a) need, phone
b) '11 need, phone
c) ' ll need, '11 phone
d) need, '11 phone
62. more you exercise, fitter you become.
а) a, a
b) the, the
c) -, -
d) a, the
63. She to me for nearly a month.
a) hasn't written
b) didn't write
c) not write
d) wrote
64. I like living.
a) my own
b) by myself
c) myself
d) on me
65. Three days long enough for a good holiday.
a) are
b) not
c) isn't
d) are not
66.My sister tennis a lot but now she plays it three times a week.
a) didn't use to play
b) didn't use playing
c) used to play
d) didn't use to playing
67.Ken's brother is in prison, so Ken went to prison to visit him.
a) -,the
c) -, -
d) a, the
68. They must___. They have been working all day.
a) be tired
b) to be tired
c) tired
d) be tiring
69.You can't after having such a big meal.
a) hunger
b) be hungry
c) hungry
d) to be hungry
70. She must English with such a surname.
a) to be
b) be being
c) be
d) –
Story: Harry Potter
Сказка: Гарри Поттер
The population is 201 130[2] people (2016).
The city is located 19 km[3] North-East of Moscow city centre, on the river Yauza. Directly borders with the capital in Moscow in the Yaroslavl highway and ostashkovskogo highway. Northern satellite town of Moscow, one of the largest centers of culture, science and industry of Moscow region. Railway junction on the Moscow — Arkhangelsk. The city stretches from North to South is 10 km from the North-East to South-West 11 km. was First mentioned as a village in Mytischi 1460 (from the XIX century — a lot of Mytishchi). The name comes from the so-called Mytnaya fee (or "myta"), charged with the traders on their way to portage from the Klyazma Yauza. When navigation on the Yauza stopped collecting myta was transferred to Moscow, where once collected MYT, became known as a Yauza mytimer. It is important to note that the word "mytime" means great strangles. It is formed by analogy with other similar words. For example, the fire — place where was a fire, ashes and pechysche — where was the house with the oven and hearth, the mound — where there was a town. Thus, the "mytime" is a place where there was a strangles[4].
With 1804 began to act Mytishchi-Moscow water drawn from Mytischi to Moscow.
In the mid-nineteenth century in Mytishchi organized the first enterprise; in 1861 through Mytischi came the railroad, and in 1896 began working as car-building plant of S. I. Mamontov; and since 1908 has started to work the first in Russia factory of artificial silk, "Rayon."
In the second half of XIX — early XX century Mytishchi and the surrounding villages have become a popular summer resort.
In 1929, he was commissioned a second in the Soviet Union electrified the station "Moscow — Mytischi" DC 1.5 kV[5].
Mytishchi have the status of city on August 17, 1925[6].
In 1932 the territory of the city was greatly expanded: according to the decree of the Presidium of the Moscow region Executive Committee No. 8 (Protocol No. 56), dated 4 October 1932 and claiming its decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of November 20, 1932 it was included the Large village of Mytishchi, Rupasova, Sharapova, Zarechnaya Sloboda Leonidovka, Barley, Taininskoe Vyselki, Friendship and Tayninka[7].
In 2015, received the status of city of regional subordination
Мыти́щи — город областного подчинения в Московской области России, административный центр городского округа Мытищи.
Население — 201 130[2] чел. (2016).
Город расположен в 19 км[3] к северо-востоку от центра Москвы, на реке Яузе. Непосредственно граничит со столицей по МКАД в районе Ярославского шоссе и Осташковского шоссе. Северный город-спутник Москвы, один из крупнейших центров культуры, науки и промышленности Московской области. Железнодорожный узел на линии Москва — Архангельск. Протяжённость города с севера на юг — 10 км, с северо-востока на юго-запад — 11 км.Впервые упоминается как село Мы́тище в 1460 году (с XIX века — Большие Мытищи). Название происходит от так называемой мытной пошлины (или «мыта»), взимавшейся с торговцев, шедших волоком из Яузы в Клязьму. Когда судоходство по Яузе прекратилось, сбор мыта был переведён в Москву, а место, где некогда собирали мыт, стало называться Яузским мытищем. Важно отметить, что слово «мытище» не значит большой мыт. Оно образовано по аналогии с другими подобными словами. Так, например, пожарище — место, где был пожар, пепелище и печище — где был жилой дом с печью и очагом, городище — где был город. Таким образом, «мытище» — это место, где был мыт[4].
С 1804 года стал действовать Мытищинский-Московский водопровод, проведённый из Мытищ в Москву.
В середине XIX века в Мытищах организуются первые предприятия; в 1861 году через Мытищи подошла железная дорога, а в 1896 году начал работать вагоностроительный завод С. И. Мамонтова; с 1908 года начала работать первая в России фабрика искусственного шёлка «Вискоза».
Во второй половине XIX — начале XX века Мытищи и окрестные деревни стали популярными дачными местами.
В 1929 году был введён в эксплуатацию второй в СССР электрифицированный участок «Москва — Мытищи» на постоянном токе 1,5 кВ[5].
Мытищи имеют статус города с 17 августа 1925 года[6].
В 1932 году территория города была существенно расширена: согласно постановлению президиума Мособлисполкома № 8 (протокол № 56) от 4 октября 1932 года и утверждающим его постановлением Президиума ВЦИК от 20 ноября 1932 года в неё были включены селения Большие Мытищи, Рупасово, Шарапово, Заречная Слобода, Леонидовка, Перловка, Тайнинские выселки, Дружба и Тайнинка[7].
В 2015 году получил статус города областного подчинения