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11.01.2020 21:31 •  Английский язык

51. The official language of ... Netherlands is Dutch. A)The B)- C)A 52. ... Amazon is the second longest river in the world. A)The B)- C)An 53. … United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland occupies the BritishIsles. A)The B)- C)An 54. ... Greenland is the world’s largest island. A)The B)- C)A 55. ... Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the Earth. A)The B)- C)A 56. There are 30 bridges over ... Thames in London. A)the B)- C)a 57. ... Cyprus used to be a British colony until 1960. A)The B)- C)A 58. ... Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea. A)The B)- C)A 59. ... Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa. A)The B)- C)A 60. One of the most developed countries is ... United Arab Emirates. A)the B)- C)an 61. __ Sun is in __sky. А) The,a В) The, the С) __, a 62. What …John doing? А) does В) do С) is 63. John and Mary … the radio. A) are listening on the radio. B) is listening on the radio. C) are listening to the radio. 64. Bill and I … here. A) we’re B) we are C) are 65. Sarah, what … doing? A) she is B) are you C) are 66. Mary’s … the garden. A) in B) at C) on 67. Are there six books on the table? A) no, there’s the one B) no, there are any C) no, there are three. 68. Tom often sings, but … . A) Sarah sings? B) Sarah does? C) does Sarah? 69. Tony is looking at … . A) she B) he C) her 70. Who’s that boy? A) Is Bill? B) It’s Tom C) It’s a boy. 71. Where’s the book? A) There’s it. B) It’s here. C) He’s under the table. 72.He … some new shoes last month. A) bought B) buying C) buy 73. What’s his name? A) It’s name Jack B) It’s Jack C) It’s Jack’s name. 74. Do you dance or draw? A) I’m dance but I’m not draw. B) I dance but I don’t draw. C) I’m dancing but I not drawing. 75. Is that horse big? A) No, it’s little horse. B) No, that’s little horse. C) No, it isn’t. 76. What’s her brother doing? A) Playing football. B) He playing football. C) Is playing football. 77. The lamp is … the TV-set. A) at; B) next to; C) near of 78. Sarah … cat. A) haves some B) has some C) has a 79. Tom and Ann … the table. A) are sitting in; B) are sitting at; C) is sitting on 80. What’s that man? A) He’s my brother B) It’s an old man. C) He’s a teacher 81. Do they live in England? A) Yes, they live. B) Yes, they live in it. C) No, they don’t. 82. 140 is … . A) one hundred forty; B) one hundred and forty; C) one hundred and fourteen 83. Does father read the newspaper? A) No, he doesn’t; B) No, he not read; C) No, he reads not. 84. That’s Jane. She … . A) has hair long; B) have long hair; C) has long hair 85. Where … standing? A) is they; B) are they; C) do they 86. Are … brothers? A) those big boys; B) some those big boys; C) big boys those 87. Do you know Peter? A) Yes, I know; B) Yes, I do; C) No, don’t know. 88. Bill … play tomorrow. A) going to; B) is going to; C) can to 89. Bill is in front of Carrie. Carrie is … Bill. A) behind; B) between; C) beside 90. Do Mr. and Mrs. Brown live in England? A) Yes, they do live. B) Yes, they live. C) Yes, they do 91. Mrs. Johnson is washing the girl’s hair. A) He is washing their hair. B) She is washing her hair. C) She is washing their hair. 92. There … in the classroom but only one teacher. A) much pupils; B) a lot of people; C) a lot of pupils 93. The sun … in the East. A) is always rising; B) rises always; C) always rises 94. Which books … ? A) John likes; B) does John like; C) likes John 95. There isn’t … at the bus-stop. A) anybody; B) people; C) somebody 96. Kim and Fred … home. A) are at home; B) they are in; C) are in 97. What colour are your new shoes? A) They are brown colour; B) They’re brown; C) They are colour brown. 98. How … from London to Gatwick? A) to go; B) we can go; C) can we go 99. … don’t like milk. A) Some people; B) Somebody; C) Any people 100. Did you visit Canada last year? A) No, I’ve never been there. B) No, I never was there. C) No, I went never there.

Показать ответ
13.08.2022 08:30
1) His advice was very valuable.
2) Much of the equipment in the office needs updating.
3) A car is a means of transport.
4) How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
5) When I got to the theatre, they were already playing the second act.
6) Unusual facts, marvels are called phenomena.
7) The brown sweater is the best.
8) That was the most interesting movie I have ever seen.
9) Uncle Carl is really a sweet old man.
10) Which is the longest river, the Dnipro or the Dnister?
11) Fanny can sew dresses so well.
12) Taras drives dangerously.
13) Those apples look delicious. May I have one?
14) She often sneaks out of the house quietly.
15) I absolutely refuse to stay here any longer.
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19.10.2020 08:01

Muscle Contraction: Muscles are made up of bundles of individual muscle fibers. When these muscle fibers receive signals from the nervous system, they contract, which means they shorten and generate force. This contraction is the primary mechanism by which muscles create movement.

Muscle Groups and Antagonistic Pairs: Muscles often work in groups and pairs to create coordinated movements. For example, when you bend your arm at the elbow, the biceps muscle contracts, while the triceps muscle relaxes. These muscles are known as antagonistic pairs, as they have opposing actions.

Tendons and Bones: Muscles are attached to bones via tendons, which are strong connective tissues. When a muscle contracts, it pulls on the attached tendon, which, in turn, pulls on the bone, causing movement around the joint.

Muscle Fiber Types: Our muscles consist of different types of muscle fibers, including slow-twitch fibers and fast-twitch fibers. Slow-twitch fibers are responsible for endurance activities and sustained contractions, while fast-twitch fibers generate more force and are involved in quick, powerful movements.

Muscle Synergies: Multiple muscles often work together in a coordinated manner to perform complex movements. These muscle synergies involve the activation and synchronization of various muscle groups to produce smooth and efficient motions.

Fine Motor Control: In addition to larger movements, our muscles also enable fine motor control. Small, intricate movements, such as typing on a keyboard or holding a pen, require precise coordination of muscles and motor units to execute precise actions.

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