The population of the earth grows uncontrolled rate, and the number of animals decreased dramatically. under the threat of becoming extinct 21% of mammals, 30% of amphibians, 12% of birds, 17% of sharks and 27% of the corals. we lose biodiversity at an unprecedented pace in the history. the reasons are the same: environmental degradation, deforestation of the amazon, the decrease in volumes of fresh water in lakes, as well as the destruction of coral reef ecosystems. in the red book are: long-eared jerboa, japanese hare, golden лангур, the spanish lynx, orangutan, chinese lizard, pygmy hippopotamus, elephant turtle, owl parrot and others. take care of endangered animals!
I really enjoyed the time spent with you in your home. Your kindness and patience helped me overcome the multiple obstacles that I faced in my new environment. Moreover, you were always there when I was sad because of missing my family and friends.
I really liked our tradition of going out and visiting every single event in the town. I can't forget the beautiful melodies I heard which belong to your traditional folklore. Those are really amazing. To be honest, I cannot state that I liked something the most. Everything was so new to me and that is why it is challenging to select only one event or food or melody. I love everything that happened to be there.
Your letter
Dear host-family,
I really enjoyed the time spent with you in your home. Your kindness and patience helped me overcome the multiple obstacles that I faced in my new environment. Moreover, you were always there when I was sad because of missing my family and friends.
I really liked our tradition of going out and visiting every single event in the town. I can't forget the beautiful melodies I heard which belong to your traditional folklore. Those are really amazing. To be honest, I cannot state that I liked something the most. Everything was so new to me and that is why it is challenging to select only one event or food or melody. I love everything that happened to be there.
I wish we could meet soon!