Collect information about a place of natural beauty in
your country. Make notes under the headings: Name, Location,
Activities. Use your notes to write a short text about this place for
an international tourist magazine (50-60 words).
имя Дана город Шымбұлақ
My dream town is going to be on east of America. Like between New York and D.C Washington. Also it's going to have skyceapers (небоскрёбы) so that people could work in them. Also I want to do soem kind of town like chinese town, mexican town and etc. The town is going to be so wonderfull and popular becouse there is a lot of famous people living up here like Barack Obama and others. Also I want an airport in my city. Becouse there is people going to come quick as posible and do the air company which I can get more money to build. Also I can do alot musiums. Like "Worlds Paintings" and there is a lot of tourist going to come so that they going to see what a greatfull painting we have. I think that I can say alot of things about my city. Thanks for reading.