6) Давай вспомним вместе! Замени слова ках на местоимения. .
в скоб-
0. (My mum) She is cooking now.
1. (Their dogs)
are running in the garden.
2. (Sonya)
is swimming in the lake.
3. (Ginger and Sonya)
are reading an English book.
4. (Batman)
is driving his Batmobile.
5. (The boys)
are skating on the river.
6. (I and my friends)
are wearing warm jackets.
7. (You and your grandpa)
are flying
the kite.
8. Look! (That dog)
.. is sleeping
under the tree.
1. They
2. She
3. They
4. He
5. They
6. We
7. You (у значенні ви)
8. It