6. Допишите предложения, используя подходящие модальные глаголы, данные в скобках. Переведите предложения. 1) How (смеешь) you hit a child?
2) Sometimes even the strongest people ___ (нуждаются) help.
3) You (не следует) behave yourself like this!
4) It's getting dark. She (должна, приходится) go home.
5) Every man (обязан) observe the law.
6) You (нельзя) swim in such cold water.
7) You (можешь) visit me if you want.
8) Children (должны) take care of their parents when they are old.
9) (Могу) I go home now?
10) You (нельзя) smoke here!
7. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский, используя верный модальный глагол.
1) Я умею кататься на лыжах.
2) Вам не следует откладывать визит.
3) Могу я выпить чашку чая?
4) Вы должны друг другу.
5) Извините, я не могу вам.
6) Каждый человек должен платить налоги.
7) Вы умеете водить машину?
8. Выберите подходящие синонимы к выделенным словам.
1) Can I book a table for two? - Yes, please. What time?
a) suggest
b) serve
c) reserve
2) I would like to have a room for two for a week.
a) a duplex
b) a double room
c) a single room
3) I would like to drink a cock-screw
a) lemon juice with vodka
b) tomato juice with vodka
c) orange juice with vodka
4) His car was badly damaged in the accident
a) wounded
b) hurt
c) bitten
5) After the break they continued working.
a) started
b) went on
c) finished
9. Выберите наиболее подходящий ответ для предложенной ситуации
1) - Sorry to disturb you. I've got a problem.
a) Oh, yes? What's the matter?
b) Does it really matter?
c) Well- well
2) - No, I'm afraid these shoes don't quite fit.
a) Absolutely delighted
b) Try another pair, please
c) Let me just look in my diary
3) - Excuse me, could I have a time-table for Birmingham, please?
a) This is a very bad line
b) Be wiser, please
c) Just a minute, please
4) - I'm awfully tired.
a) I'm sorry, but that's impossible
b) I wish you didn't work so much
c) Could you be quite, please?
5) - Could you serve a single room for me?
a) Sure, how many nights?
b) Will you send it later?
c) That's incredible
6) -I suppose we could discuss that privately
a) I don't mind. Let's go to my room
b) The thing is I'm very hungry
c) I'll check it if you want
7) -I have a really bad memory for phone numbers
a) You should have them in your diary
b) That sounds terrible
c) That's not a bad idea
8) - It was so silly of me to do that
a) I'll probably do it next week
b) Just forget about it
c) Try again if you want
10. Пользуясь правом словообразования, образуйте следующие части речи:
a) образуйте существительные при суффиксов и переведите их.
- ing: to build to land to begin to learn to remember
- ment: to treat to move to fulfill to manage to agree
- dom: free king wise
- er: to count to cook to stick to work to manage
to garden
a) образуйте прилагательные при данных суффиксов и переведите их
- ive: to act to create to talk to communicate
- able: to notice to wash to comfort to predict
- ful: peace power great success
b) при префиксов un-, re-, im-, mis-, ir- образуйте новые слова
to write (писать)переписать
to approve (одобрять) не одобрять
to pronounce (произносить)произносить неправильно
comfortable (удобный)неудобный
probable (возможный) маловероятный
religious (верующий) неверующий
I love to learn . Of course I want to get higher education . Therefore, these options trades as a janitor or cleaner not considered. I study in the eighth grade in school. A student , so it is difficult to understand , given that it is easier . Like Russian language and literature .
Consider several areas of possible professions :
anything to do with linguistics , Russian language can be a journalist (although they become quite difficult );
PROBABLY DO NOT WANT TO READ THE FULL Each Member my wishes . But I ask , help me .
Veterinary ( well versed in cats and madly in love with them, visit exhibitions , reading relevant literature ) . But at the same time, I 'm afraid of blood, and biology does not come easily to me ;