6 Grade II variant. Summative assessment for the unit “Our Neighbourhood”
Learning objectives understand most specific information and detail of supported, extended talk on a range general and curricular topics (6.W6) Link, with minimal support, sentences into coherent paragraphs using basic connectors on a growing range of familiar general topics (6.W9) Punctuate written work at text level on a limited range of general topics and some curricular topics with some accuracy
Assessment criteria
• Recognise detailed information in extended conversation with support
• Connect sentences into paragraphs with basic connectors and linking words with minimal support
• Use punctuation marks appropriately in a piece of writing
Level of thinking skills Application
Duration 20 minutes
Reading Task 1. Read the text below and complete the task.
New neighbours
It's Saturday morning and something is happening next door.
Joan: Steve, what's all that noise outside?
Steve: Just a minute, I'll have a look. Oh! It looks as if the new next door neighbours are moving in.
Joan: Oh, it's a bit early, isn't it? Ah well I guess we'd better get up.
Steve: It's amazing how quickly the houses are selling round here, the Browns only put it on the market a month ago.
Joan: Where did they move to?
Steve: I think he told me they were buying a detached house in Surbiton.
Joan: Sounds nice. I hope the new neighbours are nice.
Steve: Well, I was speaking with Mr Brown last week. He told me they were a young couple with two daughters. They liked the house because it was near a good school.
Joan: Two daughters! That will please John.
Steve: Ha! Maybe we'd better pop next door and say hello.
Joan: Yes, and maybe we'd better start thinking of selling too. I'd like a detached house in Surbiton as well!
Steve: Hmm.
Mark the sentences True, False or Doesn’t say.
1. There's a lot of noise.
2. The neighbours are moving out.
3. A lot of houses in the area are for sale.
4. They liked the house because it was cheap.
5. The Browns have bought a semi-detached house.
Writing task
Describe one of your neighbours.
You should write:
• who he/she is
• how often you see/meet him/her
• what type of person he/she is
• and explain why you like/dislike this neighbor, using but, and, or.
Научиться произносить
Заболевания сердца делятся на две широкие группы: врожденные и приобретенные. врожденный
пороки сердца вызваны структурными дефектами. Приобретенные пороки сердца в основном обусловлены
Врожденные дефекты могут привести к цианозу, если дефект таков, что кровь не
пройти через легкие для оксигенации. У пациента синие губы и синий палец
и ногти. Концы пальцев рук и ног округлые и булавовидные.
Иногда есть отверстие между левой и правой стороной сердца, или
даже между аортой и легочной артерией.
Симптомы зависят от типа болезни сердца. Иногда дефект выявляется
на обычном осмотре; в других случаях возможны одышка, затруднение
при ходьбе или беге, отеки ног и отечность лица, а затем и всего
тело. Некоторые из этих аномалий могут быть хирургически исправлены
1)Heart disorders fall into two broad groups: congenital and acquire
2)Congenital defects may result in cyanosis if the defect is such that blood does not
pass through the lungs for oxygenation. The patient has blue lips and blue-finger
and toe-nails. The ends of the fingers and toes are rounded and club-like.
Sometimes there is an opening between the left and right side of the heart, or
even between the aorta and pulmonary artery.
Symptoms depend on the type of heart disease. Sometimes, the defect is picked
up on a routine examination; at other times there may be breathlessness, difficulty
in walking or running, swelling of feet and puffiness of face, and later of the whole
3)Yes of course.Some these anomalies can be surgically corrected
How I Protect Nature
Every day more and more technical devices are produced to make it more comfortable and easier for people to live and work. However, in pursuit of convenience, we forget that we need to take care of environment. We thoughtlessly consume natural resources, rarely thinking about what kind of world our future generations will live in. Meanwhile, each of us is able to contribute to protection of nature.
I have been thinking about the ways I can help to save nature. First of all, my parents and I try to walk more or ride our bicycles. Each time we keep away from using our car, we reduce air pollution and consume less oil. We also remember to switch off lights and avoid using disposable cups and plates, as well as plastic shopping bags. I always go shopping with a reusable canvas bag. Besides, we buy recyclable paper products to protect forests. I collect used papers, old newspapers, magazines, bottles and any other things that can be recycled. Another great way to protect our nature is to take part in river cleanup events in your city and collect litter that could destroy the natural homesites of birds and fish.
These may seem small and simple things, but they help to protect nature.