6. Unlike most businessmen, Carlos Slim (not study) business in college. 7. In fact, he (have) a civil engineering degree. 8. But once he graduated, he (take) economics courses. 9. Then, he (start) his career as a stock trader. 10. Even though he inherited $3 million from his father, Carlos still (work) hard. 11. While gaining more and more profit, he (start) building Grupo Carso from buying companies from all kinds of fields. 12. During the Mexican monetary issues in the 1980s, he (buy) more and more troubled companies at low price. 13. Later, he (resell) them at highly profitable prices. 14. And he (hit) the jackpot when Mexico privatized its telecom industry. 15. He snatched the deal and (acquire) Telmex from Mexican government. 16. Now, he (own) pretty much everything in Mexico’s business. 17. His biggest source of income (be) his huge telecommunication company. 18. Business (be) his passion since he was just a kid. 19. He doesn’t just invest. He (seek) through opportunities which can lead him to bigger, better fortune.20. And so far, he (be) successful in doing so.
Пилові бурі можуть трапитися у великій
Північної Америки, в пустелі Гобі в Монголії, Китай, та пустелі Сахара на півночі Африки. Під час сильної пилової бурі люди взагалі не бачать, що робить подорож неможливою. Пил у такому
можна перевезти тисячі кілометрів. Величезна кількість пилу, що дме по всій Землі, може мати серйозні наслідки для навколишнього середовища. Пил може впливати на здоров'я людини, коралові рифи та
змінити. Пилові бурі транспортують велику кількість матеріалу на великі відстані, наприклад, від Сахари до Гренландії та від Китаю до Європи, що може спричинити проблеми далеко від джерела пилу.
Крім того, він може нести велику кількість пилу, він може стати стіною з густого пилу висотою до 1,6 км. Пилові та піщані бурі, що виходять із пустелі Сахара, місцево відомі як симум або симун (sîmūm, sîmūn). Хабуб (həbūb) - піщана буря, яка здебільшого трапляється в районі Судану навколо Хартума, найчастіше влітку.
Choose the correct answer.
1. What film didn’t scare Tom?
Friday the 13th
2. Who was the main actress in the film Silence of the Lambs?
Keira Knightley
Anthony Hopkins
Jodie Foster
3. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly is ……
A) A horror film
B) An adventure film
C) An old western film
Part 2. Find the words from the text that refer to each type of film.
4. a film that makes you feel afraid: Friday the 13th
5. a film with cowboys: Good, the Bad and the Ugly
6. a film with aliens and about space: Star Wars
7. a film about murders, thieves and robbers: The Magnificent Seven
TASK 2 One of the deadliest natural disasters is wildfires. People classify them as natural disasters, but only 10–15% of them happen on their own in nature. The main causes of wildfires are abandoned campfires, cigarette butts left on the land, dried grass burning and lightning.
A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire in an area of vegetation happening in rural areas. Wildfires can destroy everything — grass, trees, buildings, animals and humans in their paths. Wildfires release carbon dioxide — a key greenhouse gas — into the atmosphere. Besides, they are bad for people's health causing breathing problems. Another consequence is that loss of vegetation exposes soil to erosion and water runoff may increase and cause flooding in the affected area.
It takes a lot of effort and money to fight these fires. It takes lots of years for land to recover.
There are a few ways to prevent wildfire incidents. For example, we should follow fire safety rules while camping, avoid using equipment that creates sparks, properly dispose of cigarettes and matches.
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