(7 complete the dialogue and act it out.
terry: how are you?
sylvia: and how are you?
terry: where were you at the end of december?
what did you do?
sylvia: and what about you? did you celebrate only
christmas or did you celebrate the new year too?
did you decorate the christmas tree?
sylvia: did you enjoy it?
terry: and you?
2. I was soon interrupted by John.
3. He was always loved and always trusted him.
4. - Cared for her.
5. It was 7 o'clock and the hall were already friends. was filled.
6. The door opened an elderly woman, and Jane entered the sitting room.
7. The bed was empty. It is not slept.
8. About this movie talk a lot.
9. While preparing Breakfast, the mother went to the bedside of the child.
10. What happened? You hurt?
11. Anna asked when I entered the room, de was the exam.
12. She will give a flat in this house.
13. "Where's the doctor?" He whispered. They sent for him".
14. They called them and let.
15. By the end of this week, his name will be known to everyone.
16. Haven't seen him lately.
17. You should do as you said.
18. Don't tell my husband that I draw.
19. I said that ABOUT the railway bridge being built two new houses.
20. He knows why he sent Back.
21. The lectures of this Professor always listen with great interest.
22. ,,Where did he go?" Mile said".