7 Read the dialogues (1-3). Complete the dialogues (1-3) with appropriate
responses by circling the appropriate letter (A, B or C).
1 X: How are you getting on in your new flat?
A There's a problem with the kitchen.
B I'm on the 5th floor.
C That's too bad.
2 X:
Y: I'm glad you like it.
A It's just what I had in mind.
B It's very far away from the shops.
C The trouble is it's far from work.
3 X: What's the problem?
X: That's too bad.
A It's a quiet street.
B I don't like the area.
C It couldn't be better.
2.Я умываюсь каждый день.
3.Я сплю каждый день.
4.Я кушаю каждый день.
5.Я сижу за компьютером каждый день.
1.Я читаю книгу сейчас.
2.Я пишу стих сейчас.
3.Я розговариваю с Машей сейчас.
4.Я кушаю сейчас.
5.Я иду в школу сейчас.
1. I go for a walk with my dog every day.
2. I wash my face every day.
3. I sleep every day.
4.I I eat every day.
5. I'm sitting at the computer every day.
1. I'm reading a book right now.
2. I write poetry today.
3. I rozgovarivayu Masha today.
4.I I'm eating right now.
5. I'm going to school right now.