7 which animal is smaller than a fox
but more dangerous?
a wolf b snake c cat
the male caspian seal is bigger
and heavier than the female.
how much does it weigh?
a about 30 kg b about 60 kg
c about 90 kg
who had a horse called taiburyl?
a koblandy batyr b alpamys batyr
Текст задания:
Какие действия из упр. 1 ты делаешь всегда, обычно, часто, иногда, никогда? Составь предложения. Сравни свои предложения с предложениями партнера.
Примерные ответы:
I always get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. (Я всегда встаю в 7 часов утра.)
I never go jogging in the morning. (Я никогда не бегаю трусцой по утрам.)
I usually have breakfast and go to school. (Я обычно завтракаю и иду в школу.)
I often have lunch at school. (Я часто обедаю в школе.)
I always do my homework in the afternoon. (Я всегда делаю домашнее задание днем.)
I sometimes work on my computer. (Я иногда работаю на своем компьютере.)
When we throw out garbage in an unsuitable place we pollute our environment
For example, throw a glass bottle, it can break and someone will not notice these splinters and maybe get hurt because of you.
Plastic bags are very long decomposed and also pollute the environment
When we throw out garbage we not only pollute our nature, we make dirty streets ...
Now there are special items in which take glass bottles or paper
After processing, a new product is obtained. And you can also make money on this, you will not get enough paper, but it will be a pleasant bonus.
Give up the paper you are helping nature, 60 kilograms of surrendered paper are saved by 1 tree. And what is a tree? It is a living organism that helps a person to live. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and secrete oxygen which is needed by man
Never throw garbage on the street and do not pollute your environment and your city
This can lead to great problems for all mankind!