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1. ancient rus was one of the early feudal states and eld a leading place in the world history.
the slavonic written language came to rus from bulgaria in 9th century. towards the end of this century the replacement of religious books in greek for those in the slavonic language began. between the 10th and 13th centuries russians developed a high civilization, which formed the foundation of the russian cultural threasures were accumulated. the written works of the time show that the level of knowledge on most natural phenomena was as high as that of ancient greence. monasteries were cultural and educational centres. they had large libraries and well-equipped book-making shop, in which not only church manuscripts were copied and translated but original books were written. today we can confidently say that ancient rus was a state of high culture and knowledge. 2. in pre-revolutionary russia there was a network of primary schools for common people. nevertheless illiteracy among common people was very high. well-off people taught thei children in grammar schools, commercial shools or secondary schools teaching no classics. there were also schools for nobles only. entrance to those schools was limited. for example, at lycee where a.s. pushkin studied the number of pupils ranged from thirty to one hundred. only boys at the of 10 or 12 from noble families of high rank were admitted and studied there for six years. they were taught many different subject. the mos important were russian literature, history, geography, mathematics, physics, logic, law,rhetoric and such foreign languages as french, english, german and latin. great attention was paid to different arts and physical training: riding, swimming, fencing and dancing. the aim of this school was to bring up intelligent people in the broad sense of the word. those who graduated from such educational institutions usually entered the service of their country to realize their abilities and knowledge to the benefit of their state. 3. the history of higher education in russia goes back to 1755 when the first university was founded in moscow on the initiative of m.v. lomonosov and in accordance with his plan. later, universities were opened in many other big cities of the country. 4. after the revolution in 1917, education was guaranteed to the soviet citizens by the constitution and was free of charge including higher education. teaching at schools was carried out almost in all national languages. the system of education was the same throughout the country. school attendance was compulsory for those between 7 and 15. those who completed their secondary education and passed entrance examinations to higher education establishments received monthly grants if they did not fail in the examinations that they took at the end of each term. higher school enducation lasted five years. 5. in 1991 the former fifteen republics of the soviet union became independent states. the russian federation, the biggest and most powerful of them began to develop as a democratic state. from the very start democratic reforms began to take place in many fields of life. changes in political, economic and social conditions required changes in the system of education. its aim is to prepare the growing generation for independent life and work in new conditions. new curriculums were introduced in schools such as "the world around us" for younger students and "fundamentals of information science and computer engineering", "ethics and psychology of family life" for senior students. along with state schools where education is free of charge there appeared many private schools, colleges, lycees, gymnasiums and different courses where students can study sciences and humanities including foreign languages. 6. at some schools the leavers are sent abroad to continue their education at sorbonne in paris, at the universities of great britain, garmany, usa and other countries. after graduating from those universities they return to to their country to work in different fields of national economy. a former student of a russian school said on his return home: "i was surprised how much there is in common between russian and western young people - their love for entertainments and the same kind of music and their wish to know everything new. i hope there will be time when young people from abroad will also come to our country to study. such exchanges of students will undoubtedly result in better understanding among people which in its turn will bring greater stability to the whole world".

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06.08.2022 13:35
There are many memorable tourist attractions in London, one of them is London eye. It is a giant Ferris wheel, located on the South Bank of the River Thames. Also known as the Millennium Wheel, London eye was the biggest Ferris wheel in the world until 2006, but even then it remains the largest in Europe. The ride on such tall wheel is called flight. The construction of the wheel ended in 1999 but it remained closed until 2000. When it opened to the public, many people finally could enjoy beautiful view on Thames. London eye offers tourists great observation point so suitable for the photography. In fact, the Millennium Wheel offered the highest public viewing point in London until 2013. Each capsule of the wheel also takes pictures of it's passengers at the end of the flight. London eye is a great place to visit in London.

В Лондоне есть множество незабываемых туристических достопримечательностей, одна из них - "Лондонский Глаз". Это огромное колесо обозрения, расположенное на Южном Берегу реки Темзы. Также известный как "Колесо Тысячелетия", "Лондонский Глаз" был самым большим колесом обозрения в мире до 2006, но даже после этого он остается самым большим в Европе. Поездку на таком высоком колесе называют полетом. Строительство колеса закончилось в 1999, но оно оставалось закрытым до 2000 года. Когда оно открылось для общественности, многие люди наконец смогли насладиться красивым видом на Темзу. "Лондонский Глаз" предлагает туристам отличный наблюдательный пункт, так подходящий для фотографии. Фактически, "Колесо Тысячелетия" предоставляло самую высокую общественную наблюдательную площадку в Лондоне до 2013 года. Каждая капсула колеса фотографирует своих пассажиров в конце полета. "Лондонский Глаз" - прекрасное место для посещения в Лондоне.
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03.02.2023 14:26
The basis of the power of plant foods gorillas. From consumed plants can be distinguished wild celery, cleavers, nettles, bamboo shoots, fruit of blue pigeuma. Fruits and nuts are the addition to the basic diet, the animal food (mainly insects) is a small fraction of the menu.
Gorilla also used in various nutritional mineral supplements: eat, for instance, some types of clay, thereby compensating for the lack of salt in food. Drink gorillas hardly necessary: ​​lush greenery already contains enough moisture. Waters and all the water be avoided whenever possible, and the rain nedolyublivayut.V nature gorillas live in the equatorial forests of west and central Africa, mountain gorillas - the slopes of the Virunga volcanic mountains covered by forests. Hold small groups consisting of a male-leader, several females and their cubs (from 5 to 30 individuals). They feed on plant foods, although the case is not averse and animals (mainly insects). Their massive jaws and powerful chewing muscles allow you to cope with any kind of vegetable food: crust, wood, stems, roots, and leaves and fruits.
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