8. Translate pronouns given in brackets.
1. What is (TBoe) name?
2. What is (Bam) father by profession?
3. (Ee) brother is a pilot.
4. Ask (ero) what (ero) address is.
5. He is fond of (CBOÉ) granny.
6. The institute is famous for (CBOHMH) modern programs.
7. Ask (HX) to help (eň).
8. (Ham) friends are from Kursk.
9. Are these (ee) friends? No, they are (MOH).
10. Give (HM) (HX) notebooks.
11. These are (ero) books, not (Bamh).
12. Help (emy).
13. (Oha) has got many close and distant relatives.
14. Whose parents are these? - (Ee).
15. Is (Hx) father at home?
16. Ask (HX) what (Hx) parents are by profession?
My Dream Island
I dream about living on a tropical island. The weather there is usually good. The island is not very big. There are a lot of palm trees on it. There are not so many people there as in a city and there are no cars on this island. The islanders live in cosy bungalows and grow a lot of fruit and vegetables. People also go fishing every day. My favourite place on the island is a sandy beach.
Остров моей мечты
Я мечтаю жить на тропическом острове. Погода там обычно хорошая. Остров не очень большой. На нём много пальм. Там не так много людей, как в городе, и на этом острове нет машин. Островитяне живут в уютных бунгало и выращивают много фруктов и овощей. Также каждый день люди ловят рыбу. Мое любимое место на острове - песчаный пляж.