9 2 Complete the dialogue with the phrases below. More than
one answer may be possible.
can't stand hate don't mind quite like really keen love
terrible isn't bad is great
Kim So, are you excited about the start of school?
Dave No, I'm not really excited. !!
but it's not my favourite thing in the world,
Kim We're very different. 12
school! I really
enjoy learning new things. What subjects do you like?
Dave 13
IT, because I'm interested in
computers. And there's one subject I really enjoy-
drama. I'm
on drama. I think acting
Kim Really? We're very different that way too.
drama. I just get too scared in
front of people. What do you think of maths?
Dave I really don't like it. Actually, 17
I just can't understand it. It's ?
Kim Different again! I like maths, and I enjoy science a lot
Dave OK, science 9
It's actually kind of
Kim Well, I'm happy we agree on something
2) to be a student...
3) on weekdays
4) on working days
5) to wake up
6) to get up at 7a.m.
7) to take a shower
8) to brush teeth
9) to dress (to get dressed)
10) it takes me an hour to get to...
11) to go by trolleybus (tram/bus)
12) to be late for class(es)
13) to finish late at night
14) to miss classes
15) to pass exams successfully
16) from time to time
17) to get ready for classes
18) as a rule
19) to be tired of ( to get tired)
20) free time
1. He’s got much information about our travel.
2. He’s going to buy some new trousers.
3. They are not going to buy new furniture.
4. His hair is fair.
5. I’m going to buy new sunglasses.
6. They gave us some advice.
Подарок короля оказался действенным, и Алёша стал показывать феноменальные Сначала ему было неловко, но потом он привык и загордился. Но однажды он потерял семечко, а с ним отвечать. Его строго наказали, считая не капризом, но Чернушка вернулась и возвратила ему потерянное зернышко, хотя и была опечалена его поведением. Алёша воспользовался волшебством и моментально выучил несколько страниц, но учитель заподозрил неладное и начал разбираться, как это у него получилось. Алёша от страха перед розгами забыл запрет короля и начал рассказывать о подземных жителях, но учитель счёл это выдумками и всё-таки высек мальчика.