A 1.000 b 2.500
C 5.000
Almaty Marathon комек керек
b have to have lots of energ
c have to live in Almaty
Look at the words in blue in th
the rules.
1 We use to talk about a
without saying what it is.
I need to eat
2 We use _ and to talk
negative sentences.
I didn't do
I've got
to do
We use anything in ques
3 We use to talk about
people in a group or cat
Monday eveningig
4 We use to talk all th
group or category as ir
We give food to — of
Every April, the city of
Almaty holds a marathon.
It started as a small event
Nn 2012, with around 2,500
runners, but in 2015 the
number increased to
19,000. People come from
many countries to take
part. There are runners
from Russia, Kyrgyzstan,
the UK, the USA, Italy,
Spain, Denmark and
Norway, but most people come from Almaty and
other parts of Kazakhstan.
The organizers started the marathon to promote
healthier lifestyles. Everyone knows exercise is good
for you, but sometimes it is difficult to find the time to
do sport. But people like challenges, and a marathon
gives them something to aim for. It's impossible to
do nothing all year then run 42 km. You have to train
and increase the distance you run over a number of
months. Apart from the marathon, there are other
shorter events in the year to keep people interested
in running.
Anyone living in Almaty can enter the marathon,
so families and friends can enter together and this
helps people feel part of the city. The event also raises
money for disabled children to do sport and gives
them a better life.
Over 20,000 people enter and watch the marathon)
so the organizers need lots of volunteers to give eachy
runner food and drink and show them where to go.
Anyone can volunteer; you don't need to be from
Almaty or good at running to do this, but you do
need a lot of energy, and it is better to do something
for your community than not do anything.
Complete the sentences
anything, nothing, each
What did you do yest
bed all day.
2 Have you got
3 'Can you see that ca
see _
4 The teacher asked
-year we have a
6 There's on the
5 Work in groups. Ima
marathon each yea
training programm
Think about your e
and how they help
The koala is a familiar Australian symbol.
Koalas have soft, wool-like grey fur. They have a large, round head with large, round, furry ears, a large nose and long strong limbs with sharp claws. The koala look like little bear, but the koala ‘bear’ is not a bear at all. Koala is a marsupial mammal.
Eucalyptus trees are the primary habitat of Koalas and they are rarely observed anywhere else.
Koalas are very fussy. Koalas eat only leaves and bark from eucalyptus trees.
Koalas get a lot of moisture from eucalyptus leaves, so they don’t have to drink a lot of water, because in Aboriginal language, the word Koala is thought to mean "does not drink".
Koalas vary in size and colour depending on where they live in Australia.
A baby Koala is called a joey. Joeys are only around 2 cm long when born and like most other marsupials, Koala mothers keep their joeys in their pouch for around 6 months.
Koalas can live up to 10 years in the wild.
In the 20th, century population of koalas declined to such an extent that they were included in the endangered animals list.
И. Вставить ", чтобы" в случае необходимости.
1. Там немного еще вы могли бы сделать, но держать пальцы скрещенными.
а), б) -
2. Наш дом не просто находка.
а), б) -
3. Лучше бы подстригся.
а), б) -
4. Я видел, как он действует в "Гамлете", и я любил его безмерно.
а), б) -
5. Почему не ... сэкономить немного денег, если мы можем.
а) - б) с
6. Как ты смеешь приходить сюда после всего, что вы сделали?
а), б) -
7. Есть ли у вас случилось помнить количество квартиру?
а), б) -
8. Вы должны выйти и весело провести время, а не сидеть здесь плакать.
а), б) -
А теперь сама вставь легко просто я в 4 мне сложно!