• a/an - some/any 5.UE4 Read the examples and complete rules. Are they the same in your languag ? 4 e? There's a sofa. There aren't any paintings. Are there any posters? There's an armchair. . There are some chairs. a? • We use 1) ... We use 2) We use 3) in affirmative sentences. in negative sentences. in questions. ? .
Nowadays there are lots of interest
Sports that could suit anyone's
Taste. Most sports are universal
And quite well-known around the globe,
Like football, windsurfing or ice hockey. However, there are some other types of
Sports which are less popular probably due to being usual
One of the most extraordinary sports is rabbit show jumping. As you can guess
From its name, the main action in the sport is done by floppy-eared bunnies. This
The sport originated in Sweden in the 1970s. These days it is also played in the US and
Some European countries.
What does it look like? There is a big grass course with various obstacles similar to
1. She goes to sleep not in time. (проверьте правильно ли вы списали предложение) - Она ложится спать не вовремя.
2. Think of your porridge. - (дословно) Думай о своей каше. (но лучше сделать перевод в переносном смысле) Занимайся своим делом / Не лезь не в свое дело.
3. Sleep in the soft bed. - Cпи в мягкой постели / Спи на мягком.
4. Sleep for a while. - Поспи немного.
5. Stay warm in bed. - Cогрейся в постели. (т.е. если замерз, грейся)
6. Wake with a smile. - Просыпайся с улыбкой на лице.