A. Circle the correct words. Alan Stone (1) works / is working as a librarian at the Central Library of Brighton enjoys being in a place full of books. These days however, he feels tired. He (6) is thinking / thinks of going on a three-day trip to Calais in France. So, he
He (2) is starting / starts work at 8 o'clock every day and (3) doesn't finish / isn't
finishing until 3 in the afternoon. He (4) likes / is liking his job and (5) is enjoying /
(7) takes / is taking the ferry to France tomorrow.
2)What would you do if you were the president?
—If I was the president, I'd like to destroy the corruption.
3)What would you do if you were a teacher?
—If I was a teacher, I'd like to give easy homeworks
4)What would you do if you were your parents?
—If I was my parents, I'd like to help to my child with education
5)What would you do if you were an insect?
—If I was an insect, I'd like to kill all the humanity
6)What would you do if you were a writer?
—I'd like to make a lot of Best books that will contribute to literature.
It is next to a window. он стоит около окна
It is my working place. это мое рабоче место
There is a computer on it. на нем стоит компьютер
There are some drawers. Там есть несколько ящиков.
In the drawers there are some exercise books. pens, pensils, paper and everything that I need for doing my homework. В ящиках находятся тетрадки, ручик, карандаши, бумага и все самое необходимо для выполнения домашней работы.
Above the desk there are some shelves. Над столом несколько полок
On the shelves there are some books На полках стоят книги
.On the desk you can also see some photos and a plant. I like plants. НА столе также есть несколько фоток и цветок
I like my desk. Мне нравиться мой стол
It is very comfortable to sit and do homework there. Здесь удобно сидеть и выполнять домашнюю работу.